What Can You GET in Bozja?

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Only been in it once so far;

Got to rank 5
Did some skirmishes and critical engagements
Got selected for the 1 v 1 against Gabriel
Got publicly executed by Gabriel
Got the Gabriel mount in a dropbox

Gabriel / 10, would Bozja again


Pro tip on the memory farm.

There are 3 areas in Bozja that contain robot enemies you can use as a party (optimal) or solo to farm memories of each color faster than the HW fates and net lots of clusters as well.

Yellow Memory: 18.5 X, 26.5 Y. Rank 1+ required
Blue Memory: 26.8 X, 19.9 Y. Rank 5+ required
Red Memory: 13.2X, 15.7 Y Rank 8+ required

Happy hunting.


The Gabriel mount really makes me want a Nier themed mount in the same style with the flight suits.


There should be a "stuff indigo stars down locksmith's throat" emote.


The gear sets are fully dyeable from the onset, the upgraded version purchased with coins just add haste.


Relic weapons are a trap. They'll get you invested for completing a few steps, then comes the massive grind. 200 of each roulette, 1200 fates, and finding 5 lalafels without a food related name.


My friends convinced me to try out WoW for the pre-patch.... after an hour, I quickly renewed my subscription to FF14 for an year. We in this for the long run buns!! 🐰 🐇


I'm so happy that the Gabriel is from lockboxes, I was worried it'd only be from winning the 1v1, cos I'm never gonna be able to do that!


Everytime i hear Hey Buns! And your voice i smile...tyvm!!😊😊❤


The armors are already dyeable :)

The augmented give you haste in Bozja which lowers your GCD.

The earring gives +3 as well and comes from identifying 1000 Forgotten clusters


reGUARDless - I can't believe you missed your own pun, bun!


OH also if you want to naturally get Memories while in Bozja, keep each quest open and don’t turn them in (start a relic on two classes you don’t care about as much). You can only get memories while on a quest so keep those open


Pro Tip for Cluster farming if you have a MCH 71+. Get Lost Focus and Lost Slash from Violence fragments. Round up a ton of mobs with a tank and healer buddy, stack Focus to like 6 or so, and then Reassemble + Slash to completely annihilate them. You can do this every minute and it cuts down the amount of people required to farm clusters immensely.


My first Castrum experience we failed at the opening boss. I didn’t realize the raid adds time to the clock the further in you go, so I was a little dismayed when after rank grinding all day and then waiting 2 hours to get in the raid, then got kicked out only 20 minutes in. But the next 3 times were lots of fun! Because there isn’t a limit on what jobs you must have going in we were a party of Tanks, which was referred to afterwards as the Resistance Tank Squad. I wish all raids could play like this!

The Fending gear set in my personal favourite. I enjoy having a strong, square shoulders glamour without it needing to be made of plate armour.


A pun in the first 10 seconds.... I expect nothing less.


I just finished ARR and am working in getting my first relic! I’m a PLD and this game is so pretty I love it


I started bozja 2 days ago and so far i'm really enjoying it. i hated Eureka and im not a fan of fate grinding but i found Bozja really interesting and fun and i love the critical engagements. I only just hit level 10 so i hope to give castrum a go soon but after that i may go the HW route to get my weapons. I like the Casting set but we'll see how long it takes to get all the coins for it. I also want the two mounts.


Thanks for this video, I can understand Boz a little better! So much stuff to take in as a returning player haha :D


For once I was lucky and got the Gabriel mount on day two. Still need to grind some more clusters for the other mount though (and eventually try Castrum but that’s a different story)


Started in Bozja a few days ago (only been playing since summer last year). Working on my gnb relic. Its enjoyable, but the only "gripe" I have is....trying to get parties for Castrum/Delubrum. Its not awful, there are some times when its just purely dead.
