How To Time Travel To The Future ⌛️ w/ Brian Greene

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How To Time Travel To The Future ⌛️ w/ Brian Greene #ndt #physics #science #timetravel #education #shorts

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Yeah I would love to see the future, not be stuck there having lost everything you have ever known


I know this from an ancient Indian story where a king takes his daughter to the creator and asks advise for her husband and Brahma tells him that although he spent only some time in heaven, when he goes back to earth 1000s of years have passed. Because time is much slower in the higher heavens until the supreme creator is compared to earth. Although it's a story, it gives an idea of how ancient people already knew that concept of time beyond earth.


Dude talks about time travel and speed of light like it’s an everyday thing for us.


To be honest, this stuff is so hypothetical.
Traveling at the speed of light implies you are already dead by the time you complete 1/10000 of the light year.


in this case you also have lost the same time its just relatively small compairing to earth but in actual you have spent the same time. Time is really a constant . Relatively it differs.


Something people often miss is that your clock won't actually be moving slower. By all measures, you wouldn't be able to tell that you are experiencing time differently. This is a consequence of the time dilation being relative to other frames of reference. Taken by itself, it is somewhat meaningless, only when compared to another frame of reference does it have meaning.

Edit: Alright, I've been noticing a common trend in the responses to my comment, so I will address them here.

First things first, science doesn't deal in facts. Science is a process that serves to establish cause and effect. There is no such thing as a science fact. theory is the highest level of understanding as it serves to explain observed phenomena.

Second: Relativity (both general and special) are very well tested.
We know that time dilation is a real thing because we can test and observe it. Look up time Dilation and GPS satellites.

We also know that General Relitivity is likely correct because we can observe how the warping of space-time effect light through gravitational lensing.

Gravitational Lensing occurs when light is 'bent' around a massive body like a star. This is because the photons (light) must follow the curvature in space made by the body.

Lastly, no, this is not time travel in the sense that we typically think. Time travel describes the ability to move both forward and backward in time. Even in General/Special Reletivity you can only move forward in time, just at different rates relative to other things.

I hope this clears up any misunderstanding or misconceptions about science and Reletivity.

I hope everyone has a great day!


This maneuver will cost 51 years


Edit:Bro stop the reply war


The other potential issue I often wonder is if you can get away at the speed of light, and then return, how far away will earth be from your return point? Would you even be able to get back to it without some kind of transponder, and at that point wouldn’t you need to adjust how long you travelled away from earth because you’d also have to spend extra time on the return journey catching back up to it?


The craft making was way more interesting ngl


Mathew McConaughey awfully quiet right now.


Basically explained the plot of Interstellar


People keep saying that the time will run slowly but if you are at the speed of light the reason particles of light do not Decay at all is because they do not experience time because of the speed they're going and the speed they're going is not defined by the speed of light it's just merely a coincidence that they're going that speed that light doesn't decay so if we went at the same speed light was going we wouldn't experience time at all in fact we would reach our destination instantaneously as if we teleported from our perspective


Time is the same constant in universe. How you experience time could be fast or slow as your experience, the time is not different in different places.


People think of it like you're traveling super fast to get to the future but in reality you're slowing down letting time pass.


Remember it’s impossible to time travel to the past but possible to go to the future


What if you watch earth via cctv during your stay.


Time travel toward the future makes a lot of sense.

Time travel to the past will never be a thing outside of media.


My mind refuses to accept this phenomena. Maybe the clock ticks slower or faster or whatever, but static time is static time, and distance is distance

I'll look into it further, but at this point, the boi is hyped.


If ya like this type of stuff you gotta watch a movie called "interstellar"

The end of that movie is mind blowing 🤯


It’s always wild to me that some people don’t understand that this is factual. I explained time dilation to my friend, and she was in utter disbelief, thought it was stuff of fiction.
