Ancient Armenian kingdom of Mitanni

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Armenic Sumerian records written ca. 2,700 BC, tell us the story of the Great Flood and the rebirth of Life [the Tree of Life or the Garden [Partez - Paradise - the main motif in the Armenian-Hurrian Mitanni and Araratian reliefs] of Eden located in Armenia - the Land of Four Rivers. Archeologists continue to uncover evidence that Armenia and the Armenian Highlands was the earliest site of human civilization. The earliest record identified with Armenians is from Armenic Sumerian inscriptions around 2700 BC, in which the Armenians are referred to as the sons of Haya, after the regional god of the Armenian Highlands. Another early record identified with Armenians, is from an inscription which mentions Armani together with Ibla, as territories conquered by Naram-Sin (2300 BC) identified with an Akkadian colony in the Diarbekr region

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The capital city of Mitanian was Asukani-Sari kan- its a kurdish town and kurds live in there, the town located in north of modern Syria!! The isis attacked this town but kurds fought against Turkish backed jihads, kurds live in that place over 8 thousands years ago till now !! Mitanian is a kurds empire not armenin at all, kurds language and culture exactly same as mitannians


Indo European Aryan people & tribes include Armen. Nairi, & Iranian people including the Kurds
When we all split is probably over 6000 years ago, yet we all retain similarities in culture & Language


The latest british DNA analysis proves that habitant living in Armenian highland 15000 years before and nowadays Armenians have the same GENES!! Mittani's language has more than 3000 words just the same in Armenian. This proves that Mitanni was Armenian confederation like Hayasa and Arme-Shupria


one of the elite Indo-European speakers of the Mittani was a man named Kikuli who wrote a treatise on how to raise train and ride horses.


No one should yel or write bad messages just look the map of Mittan I and the map of today where the kurds live now. Existence is the soul and spirit of a true warrior and the Kurds still have it like the mittanies.


Mitanni was ruled by indo aryan people, the ancestor of kurds...


and we have still have legends and stories of our homeland on Tigris.they are written and called Veyske povede,
we have fought the turks for 3 centuries and won!and in my pesonal opinion Turkey should be judged for genocide on Armenian people!


Mitanni was not Kurdish. The Hurrians were Urartians and Nairis. Armenian tribes, Kurds were in western Iran at this time.


Apparantly the oldest known record of this Croatian name, Harvat, was found in the Mittani/Hurrian documents written by King Tusratta some 3, 500 years ago. In the documents he refers to his Kingdom as Huravat Ehillaku.
However, there are other research works proving that 75 percent of the Croats are different in origin from the Slavs and more similar to Kurds and Armenians from genetic point of view. On the other hand, studies show that there are less similarities between domestic livestock, poultry and plants in the old time Croatia with those in Europe, lending further proof to the fact that Croats had most probably migrated from a region close to Asia to their present area.
the latter is from Iran chamber society


A reason why Kurds have some South Asian ancestry. Indo Aryan Mittanis were probably from India who later got mixed up with the native West Asians from the region.


Damn man!!😂 where you get all these informations???? im interested in hiring you !!! a youtube false video cannot change the reality!Mitanni are 100% kurdish.


Don't know about this Feud between the Kurds & Armenians over the Mittanis. Mittani Empire was Ruled by an Indo-Iranian ruling Class, they followed the ancient Vedic Religion, Worshiped the Vedic/Hindu deities like Mitra, Varuna & Indra, and Ruled a region that is today's Greater Kurdistan (Hurrians then). If by the reminiscent religious Practices and culture of today a population comes close to the Mittani ruling class . . . it's probably the Ezidis of Today. Don't see any Ezidis staking their claim here :D. In a Nutshell, Mittani Empire can be called a Kurdish Empire but NOT Armenian by any means. Thanks and peace.


Look Armenians and Kurdes had lived side by side for mileniums! We do not need to change the history! We both are indo europeans....First information about Armenian kingdom its from sumerian texts ...3rd mil. BC Aratta....the main part of todays Turkey its historical lands of Armenians....we use to creat there Kingdoms for mileniums!!! The birthplace of indo-europeans coinsided with Armenian somehow we are connected! And today we must remeber that our ancestors use to live togather in peace....Unfortunatly today we cannot see on a map country Kurdistan!!! And i wish Sever Degree of Armenia and Kurdistan will come true!!!


Once Again very cute fantasies. I understand this Derik guy is pretty strong with the tongue, so i apologize for that, but Kurdistan is still here, and Wan + Ararat are Kurdish. I've never heard of Mush and Karin, so i'll rather not comment on that.


Says the guy with the Schwastika, lol. Let me ask you a question: How will you take a piece of land that's populated by more Kurds than the entire population of Armenia? I say good luck, you're gonna need it more than us.


I'm an Indian Atheist interested in History. I'm watching this video because I can trace names of Indian Kings from Hindu Mythological Epics as Mitanni Kings, WTF ?

This is shocking to me.. Ancient Indians were related to Mitanni ? Now I'm confused. I can even tell you the meanings of names of Mitanni Kings in Indian language Sanskrit, This is quite creepy like Time Travel to the Past !


We must admit the fact, people were slow to respond to the Mitanni Historical references.  Armenians decided for themselves to post the video!  


Actually most of modern Anatolian Turks are not Mongols but Turkified ethnic Anatolians (Of which many are Kurds) And Kurds are not Mongols at all, lol!


Anyone can tell me who sings the song associated with this video? Great video by the way, where can get the rest of it?
Thanks in advance


Mitanni was never anything, but a Kingdom who ruled multiple people, the people of; Phoenecians (who would become Arameans), ancient people between Ararat and Assyria (possibly who would eventually become Kurds), the people of Nairi (who would eventually become the Armenians), and the people of Anatolia (who would eventually become the Turkish peoples). Let's be honest, if Armenians claim the whole region, same with the Kurds, or any other race, your throwing the fact of more ancient and successor kingdoms that would rule the region.
