What is Biblical Faith? – Mike Mazzalongo | BibleTalk.tv

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This lesson not only reviews what the Bible teaches concerning faith but also describes the legitimate spiritual experience that comes with having biblical faith.

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Thank you brother Mike for preaching the truth.
God Bless you and your family 🙏🙏🙏.


Mike, I do not know if you still see the comments on this video but I have a question for you.

I didn't hear you mentioning faith and actions as described in the Book of James, mostly about the life of Abraham and the passage where he was going to sacrifice his own son.

I would like to know if this faith by actions was described inside your teachings, or maybe has the same traits as you already explained in the video.

I really do appreciate your job with all these blessed videos that you make, and may God bless you even more!

Thank you for your attention!


How can faith be a feeling, though, when feelings can change?


I agree with the definition that faith is knowledge.  The problem is that it is obtained from the Bible and provides no evidence for it other than the fact that it is written in the Bible.  Faith is an unreliable means of obtaining knowledge; an unreliable epistemology.


Hey Mike do you have a teaching on Titus?


I'm sorry but baptismal regeneration (water baptism necessary to be saved from hell) is heresy. The thief on the cross, Moses, Abraham, and thousands of other old testament saints couldn't be saved then.

God didn't change the Way of salvation. the Way is a person: Jesus. "what must I do to be saved?" they replied, "believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved." Acts 16:30-31. did Paul forget it? "what must we do to do the works God requires? Jesus answered, "the work of God is this, to believe in the One whom He has sent." John 6:28-29. Did Jesus forget?

and trying to pervert the definition of faith to include a work of baptism is absurd. Simply look up the strongs concordance word for faith in the greek manuscripts of the New Testament: It's pisteuo and it no where defines faith as "believing plus acting in baptism."

Baptism IS an expression of faith, that is true, but it has no power to remove your sins from the record books. Only the blood of Christ can do that and you've literally watered it down.

"For Christ sent me not to baptize but to preach the gospel." the apostle Paul in 1 cor. 1:17
If baptism is indeed part of the gospel, then there is no way Paul could have said this.

You've taken some verses out of context, applied isogesis to them, and seen what you wanted to see because those who are self righteous always want to add some measure of works to grace.
