MOST Trans Women Don't Pass & NEVER Will—The Truth | MtF Transgender

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This video will help you understand the reality that most trans women will not have the privilege to pass and why passing is difficult as a trans person.

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From a cis woman, stop caring what people think. You wont win. Im literally 5, 4" petite slim woman and when I used to model online I still found forum posts about me of people suspecting I was a trans woman just because i had some light arm hair. People saying the most ignorant stuff about me, trying to claim they see a bulge where there is none. Misogynistic men will attack even cis women, you cant win against stupidity and ignorance. I know its easier said than done but the people who are haters will hate on anyone and everyone, its not you, its them and their ugly personality


most don't pass in real life w/o makeup because FFS is expensive AF. Online sure everyone hot and passes and we know that's a load of bs.


I'm 6 months into HRT and of course I don't pass. But i get correctly gendered by the people I care about. Moreover, I'm beginning to like being trans and not sure if I do actually want to pass. When I look at other transgirls that are almost passing, I find something quite attractive about them and would like to emulate it. It's weird, I find slightly clockable voices really sexy, I like the aesthetic of transwomen with a hint of a masculine jaw line, I find them quite striking. I also love the hyperfeminity that comes with the gender euphoria of the initial stages of transition. I get to wear the most outrageous clothes when I go out and everybody understands... oh, she's trans. That's ok for me, I am happy. Maybe it means that I'm a little non-binary, although I'm certainly more fem than masculine. Passing is not the end goal for me, being happy in myself is all I desire.


I wouldn't get too downhearted. Take Blake Butler, she didn't pass and looked terrible. Now she's an absolute stunner.


I don’t care much about passing. Funny thing is that part of my autism involves not knowing how I am perceived by others, which allows me to navigate through life with tremendous confidence in my presentation, even though my social skills aren’t very good. In my 50s I look like an androgynous genderqueer 35 year old and loving it. If I could change any of my unchangeable traits, I’d want some thigh-gap, because I’m a bicyclist and I think it would help.

As Amelia alluded to, there are risks and prejudices whether one passes or not, but they are different. It’s unfortunate when people dislike or avoid you because you are trans, but it’s also a “bullet dodged” that they broadcast their incompatibility. The problems are more public and superficial. While passing can be amazing, it also makes the problems more intimate. IMO the best way forward is to avoid having expectations about people we haven’t met, comparing us to each other.


I'm a trans woman but I feel like I will never pass I have a friend he passes I don't 😢I'm fine with it at my age 😊I will always be me 😊


I automatically subscribed to you! Our circumstances are so unique and you can never really know unless you were one of us, and it’s hard but a lot of days I have to remind myself that our beauty is unique and ethereal


That's the downside of doing videos and being on TV, that it gives people the opportunity to zero in on our flaws, and scrutinize our mannerisms. However when you know and own your identity you're not going to care when someone recognizes you're Trans.


I'd rather people tell I'm trans than have them think I'm a regular dude or sir. If they are complaining about my make up or asking if that's a guy, then at least I don't look male to them, because that would inflame my dysphoria much worse. Also I feel by being transparent to others, and getting along respectfully well in society, I might offer an example of our community that deserves respect. Also I think we shouldn't have to pass to be treated with respect. I am finally getting to the realization that some people are just going to have over blown reactions to me, and expect it, instead of blaming myself for not being able to pass. These are great points, thanks.


I am tall with very square shoulders. I am afraid I may never pass because of those things. It has made me hesitate having surgeries since they very well might not make a difference. I am psychologically working on adjusting to these realties. HRT has helped with some things. I am trans and that is not going to change. For me, passing is important. Amelia, I love your videos. They capture the actual experience of being MtoF trans.


Thank you for your video. You said it perfectly. One does not need to pass as long as we are loved by those who love unconditionally. Those individuals that feel the need to "clock" some one or intend on doing harm to trans people do not "pass" themselves as human beings.


After a lifetime of denial and hiding, I came out to myself and the whole wide world at 65. I know I will never pass. I cannot afford to travel for surgery ( the nearest gender affirming surgeon is on the other side of the country) and can't afford the surgery if I could get there. I take solace in being able to wear beautiful clothes and jewelry (I'm a thrift store devotee) and whatever physical changes HRT can give. A year after my egg cracking, I am identified as "Ma-am" from behind but "Sir" from the front. Mostly, that is enough for me.


I am one who passes female all the time, and honestly don't understand why. My history is hormones about 10 years, grew above average breasts, had voice surgery, and have had SRS, people don't see my surgeries. That's all, no actual cosmetic surgeries, I am a touch under 5' 6", and have thin straight hair. I am far from beautiful but never has someone said a word using ladies room over many years. I live in a very conservative area, never say I am trans, very few know. Maybe it is because there is only 1 other, she mentions misgendering, never around me. I wonder if it is more in liberal ares? I have scene some men that could be closet or stealth that would have major issues, I hear you on that. Is it attitude and never looking concerned? Bottom line is I don't know why I pass, it just happens.


Sadly, for trans 'women' to pass, they must transition as young as possible, and not start at adulthood or even the teens, and that is messed up in other ways. It's a lose-lose situation with biological males with gender dysphoria.


My best freind is a trans woman she’s incredibly lucky ❤she’s 5 foot 2 and has a tiny petite frame so I find she passes wherever we go x


as someone who recently found out they were trans im so glad i found this video thank you <3


so true this makes me wanna cry cause I'm facing homelessness n I'm facing homelessness cause my family don't support me neither do my country its so hard I just feel like giving up.


I transitioned when I was like 4, began blockers when I was 12 or so, and began HRT at 14. I pass and have never been clocked but I still feel so self concious sometimes about if people are clocking me and not saying anything. I am 5'8, and in comparison to most cis women I have broad shoulders, smaller hips, large/veiny hands and feet (I'm so jealous of trans girls with small ones), smaller chest, and some other masculine facial features. Although it can be alleviated, dysphoria never goes away even when you completely pass, especially with how society is today


Let me know your thoughts down below! 💖This video is for positivity so please don't take it the wrong way.


Awesome content Amelia, thanks for sharing your insights!
