Andy Wallace Mixing Philosophies | Three Simple Tips to Improve Your Mixes

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0:00 - Intro
0:29 - Mix Philosophy #1
1:51 - Mix Philosophy #2
2:32 - Mix Philosophy #3
3:51 - Conclusion


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Thank you so much for this. I had read something about him along these lines that made me use his philosophy of “less is more”, and it sure works. Love your channel.


Really nice philosophy, that's why Andy is my favorite and i always follow his tips.


Great advice. We are definitely spoiled with all the choices we have at our disposal. The Less is More approach is very powerful in the sense that we can have an SSL or a Neve console right in front of us with the right channel strip and mix a complete project with only one plugin across all channels. Even with stock plugins you can achieve very good sounds. We should all take the time to learn the software we have if you are working ITB.


Tip 2, monitor at low levels - I’ve heard CLA does that too.


I find very interesting that some other very successful engineers suggest totally opposite workflow to get great results. 😃
There is no only one way to Rome, how things are done is not that important if the end results are good. 🙂👍


Great! I love it. Well done. Where did you find this information about his mixing philosophies? I’d like to read about him or hear him discuss it.


Remember how good a tape from a boombox sitting in the basement during a jam sounded. Everyone, (including me) is trying to get a Black Sabbath Album to sound like Dark Side of the Moon.
We are definitely over producing and overthinking things.
It's better to have and not need than to need and not have, but we have way too many options now. It is actually like Quick sand, the unlimited possibilities is slowing us down. And the Advances in tech gives us expectations that are too high. I don't think The Beatles could have done Sgt Peppers with today's tech.


This was great, thank you. I like trying to create a simplified workflow, however the tracks he’s getting likely are already compressed a little right? Tracking is something I struggle with as a fully ITB mixer/producer. If I’m trying to mimic the flow of someone like Andy, wouldn’t it make sense to have some preamp/compression/tape on a recorded track to mimic tracking processing, then keep it to a channel strip?


What decibels does Andy mix at when he’s mixing at low levels?


I'm sure the channel strip approach works if you get quality recordings to mix. But for most of us this is not the reality. Stuff I get to mix requires far more than just an SSL EQ and SSL dynamics. I could set up a fixed channel strip for my workflow, but it would not be SSL. It would consist of a flexible EQ like Nova or Pro Q and a flexible, but easy to use compressor like Klanghelm DC8C. I can imagine getting things half-way done that way, but other processing would be needed also.


do you have any suggestions on what sort of things you are automating in the third rule? would this include compression and eq?


'Use less plugins' while showing a plug-in for the whole video. Can I say IRONY?
