Biden unveils Americas Partnership for Economic Prosperity at Summit of the Americas ceremony | FULL

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At the opening ceremony of the Summit of the Americas in Los Angeles, California on Wednesday, U.S. President Joe Biden unveiled the new "Americas Partnership for Economic Prosperity".

Saying that the initiative would be grounded on the same core values of his administration, Biden outlined that the three principles of bottom-up and middle-out economic growth, fostering of innovation and tackling the climate crisis will be used to guide the partnership.

“It’s written in the murals, the markets, the thoroughfares that crisscross the city," Biden said. "Bearing witness to the history, struggle and indomitable spirit of the people of the Americas.”

Biden is hosting leaders from across the Western Hemisphere at the ninth international summit meeting of its kind, including Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who was at the ceremony with his wife Sophie Grégoire Trudeau.

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, however, did not attend because “not all the countries of America are invited.” The U.S. has not invited the leaders of Venezuela, Nicaragua and Cuba to attend.

Migration has taken centre stage early-on at the assembly of Western Hemisphere leaders, reflecting its emergence as a top foreign policy issue.

#GlobalNews #Biden #SummitoftheAmericas
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Biden and Trudeau couldn't run a successful, carbon neutral, and inclusive lemonade stand


Oh dear. As an American 🇺🇸 I’m almost embarrassed to see how he screws up this time.


Biden unveiled the new "Americas Partnership for Economic Prosperity". Umm...really? If I was those other countries I would run away screaming at that proposition, or pass out from laughing so hard.


I can't believe someone used "Joe Biden" and "economic prosperity" in the same sentence.


"economic prosperity" - from the guy at the head of one of the worst american economies to date


Brace yourselves, our enemies are dancing, they have already prepared for this time of weakness.

They have already crashed us in the ditch. It will take us years to recover from this.
I don’t think we will get the chance.,
Loss of FREEDOM is only a generation away.

Stay well and stay safe fellow north and South Americans.


Translation: expect higher prices, more empty shelves and more inflation, because Joe only makes bad choices.


36:15 Well I know where all of his lost marbles ended up, in his mouth.


You know when you download an app without reading the revues? I really should have read the comments first. Lol


What is going on here? Where are the masks? That crowd is shoulder-to-shoulder, nowhere near 6 feet apart. Superspreader event. 'The Americas' will all have to shut down for 2 weeks while all their leaders quarantine


I thought summit is some special official political event where very serious issues are being discussed and new crucial deals are being made.
I guess I was wrong. This is just some odd concert.


He sounds absolutely hammered....nope that's his dementia and alot of pills kicking in.


I Testified in the New York Supreme Court in Judge Stanley Greens court in 2011 before NYPD, FBI, Jewish Attorney's from Israel and New York who were all members of the SIMON WIESENTHAL CENTER and the MEXICAN POLICE.
I protested in front of the UNITED NATIONS in 2007. I gave Sworn Testimony in secret with delegates of the U.N.
NYPD told me I was the talk of the United Nations that year.
I spent 3 years from 2014-2017 Testifying in Mexico in Cancun, Chetumal and Merida Mexico with INM - INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE MIGRACION, DIF, THE CODEHAY, THE FEDERAL POLICIA, THE COMAR, THE FISCILIA AND THE CENTER FOR INVESTIGATIONS, Yucatan's Premier center for Investigations.
This is the short list of the Mexican Law Enforcement and Government agencies I testified with.
I gave sworn Testimony with the Mexican Government from INM INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE MIGRACION MERIDA MEXICO.
I spoke face to face and gave my history and Testimony to Mexican Judges, who came to speak with me.
While posing as average citizens.
The U.S. MILITARY had been keeping Mexico locked in unnatural conditions of Poverty, with Economic HIT MEN and death squads. The U.S. MILITARY were heavily involved with child trafficking to feed their STEALTH BOMBER PROGRAMS, Under the guise of Christian and Catholic adoptions.
When the Mexican Police investigated, almost none of these Child victims were where they were supposed to be. The U.S. MILITARY were stealing Millions and Millions of dollars worth of Mexican Oil and Petrol each year, each month.
The Mexican Oil and Petrol companies and Mexican Police were very interested in my Testimony on these matters.
The hits were not street level smash and grabs. The Mexican Police told me the theft of Mexican oil and petrol, Attacks in broad day light on Mexican oil tankers . Were highly sophisticated MILITARY LEVEL OPERATIONS WITH HIGHLY TRAINED SOLDIERS. They already knew some of what I testified to. I was able to provide more information on these MILITARY hits on Mexican Oil Tanks and Riggs, using Spanish speaking and looking STEALTH BOMBERS in the U.S. MILITARY.
The Mexican Oil companies were already looking for a smoking gun and a witness who had the courage to Testify.
I gave sworn Testimony in France as a Teenager to the FRENCH FOREIGN LEGION and INTERNATIONAL LAW ENFORCEMENT. The Testimony was video taped in each case and I signed sworn affidavits. -
Laurel Aston P.O.W of the U.S. MILITARY/ AmeriKKKan Government in WESTMINSTER CALIFORNIA. June 22, 2022


Goodeveng d.c.presiden mr.jehy beden veri good iam oll'tahim sapot's .thinkyou.


Economic ProsperityTM for certain people, sure


Just get them all agent orange as soon as possible before they take you.


Hey Newscum, newsflash...YOU HAVE FUCK.D UP CALIFORNIA!!!.


Can't count the dislikes...I wonder why🤔


This is a party of madness, the angels go to heaven.and humans to politicians, what a great luck.


Say, dont think I caught it. What's the name of the song at 16:50ish?
