5 Slide Stops on Inline Skates

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Slide to Stop ... here are five ways to do it

Slalom turns are good for controlling speed

Put a lot of weight on the outside leg

Push with the heel

If you do it hard enough the otuside skate will slide

Fall back on the inside skate and repeat

*** wash, rinse, repeat ***

Just be careful not too get your balance point too far back, so you don't fall on your ass

Also, if both your outside and inside skates begin to slide, this may happen ...

Drag to power stop is maybe the safest everyday slide stop

Begin with a drag stop, also called t-stop

When the speed is reduced to a comfortable level, make a quick turn

Just as with the slalom stop, put your weight on the outside leg,

push with the heel to trigger a slide, then fall back on the inside skate

The revese t-stop is for when you want to make a long, controlled slide

The reverse t-stop takes three steps

First, transition from forward to backward

Second, balance on one leg

Third, put down the sliding skate very lightly

Keep it light to make a long slide

and learn to add some more weight to control the stop

... ehm ... not quite ...

The plow is a good technique for beginners

But advanced skaters can take it a bit further

If you stay low and add enough weight, one skate will start to slide

I'm still experimenting with this technique

and hopefully soon I'll be able to make the plow into more interesting slides

The hockey stop is the most challenging one

With both skates in a parellel slide, a lot of power goes into it

It's also a lot more difficult on inline skates than one ice hockey skates

But the basic principle is similar

If you know how to do a ice hockey stop, do the same thing with one exception;

Put your weight more toward the heel!

If your front wheel grips while the other wheels slide, you'll get this nasty rotation, as you seee


Another word for slide stop is POWER STOP

Big forces are at play and a wrongly executed stop can result in injury

Falling on your ass is one thing. I, at least, have done this many times but never really got hurt

Another issue is having the wheels stick, instead of slide, but normally this will just lead to some awkward jump.

What I really do fear is getting only the front wheel stuck, while the other wheels still slide, as shown with the hockey stop.

This leads to a nasty rotation which adds stress to ancles, knees and hips - especially knees.

This is why I always try to keep the weight more toward the heels.

With the drag to powerstop I find this easier to control, and therefore it's a safer stop, in my opinion.


Learn to control exactly where you stop

Like here, I miscalculate, then add more weight to stop faster ... but this again leads to too sudden of a stop .. so I get that awkward jump


Try to make the stops on your weak side. I have to admit - I find it really difficult
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As some who grew up playing street hockey, I'm jealous of that slide skill.


I DID ITTT after failing multiple time I decided to go on YouTube and found this, try about 6 times I learned how to hockey stop, all in an hour. THANK YOU!!


Your weak side stops are absolutely charming! I cannot yet do half as much as you ;)


trying the powerslide with the weak side is quite difficult, although it is a big advantage once it's mastered


I Play inline Hockey in summer and your slide stops are very smart for it. Thank you buddy !


Dude great video! You can see the learning curve youre in and the weak side slides go quite well as they are too difficult


Great video. I feel that as long as im in control and comfortable with my speed and paying attention to my surrounding, i dont need to perform the hockey stop. Drag stop to power slide works best for me. Although it is good to know how to perform the hockey stop. Thanks for video.


bro your tutorials are really well done and helpful. thanks!


Great tutorial. I think hockey stop is only needed to apply a sudden stop, which has a high chance of falling over.

I just subscribed. ❤


Great as always. I find your videos quite useful now that I'm learning and becoming more confident to try new things. Right now I'm struggling to master the plow, as well as making it more aesthetic and hopefully be able to add speed and rotation to turn it into a magic slide... someday 😅I'm practicing and practicing the drag to quick turn, trying higher speeds.
Thanks for the tips. You're really helping me :)


I only slide stop with both skates. It's like a hockey stop for roller skates. It is so much more fun


the back ground is amazing
nice vid too


Happy I'm not the only one in my 30s learning to rollerblade all over again


Nice video. I can’t do the t stop, or skate backwards, but I can do a slalom stop and crossovers. It’s much harder than ice skating.


what knees pads are those?? could you possibly link them please


Actually the stop that you called a reverse t-stop is a fakie powerslide. The reverse t-stop is when you stop with the rear skate, skating backwards. Tiago has the good video about it. But that's just a terminology.


What hardness is needed to do this powerslide? I am currently having 82A.


I can only seem to do drag to powerstop on 1 side. I need to trick my brain into doing it but im scared haha


hello how are you
i am very satisfied to watch your video
i am beginner skater

please tell me
what are you using spec wheels
wheel hardness is 90A and above?
Hockey's stop is difficult
Should I practice using a hard wheel?


the 4th method is kinda weird for me 😂🖐🏻 im flexible and im just falling into a split, but you are amazing at rollerblade
