Is There Actually a Benefit to Putting High Octane Fuel in a Low Octane Engine? • Cars Simplified

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Many videos tell you why there is no benefit to running high octane fuel in a car that only calls for low octane, but none of them seem to cover this one case that is relevant more often than you may think. If you have ever met someone that claimed 93 octane made their engine run better than 87 octane, they might not just be experiencing the placebo effect!

Main background track by Sawtooth:

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You’re the first person to directly say yes or no at the beginning of the video, thank you.


This was straight to the point and factual unlike most other popular channels


I put high octane gasoline in my 2007 Mazda 6 and it shifts better now. The high octane gas worked much better than the fuel system cleaners. I'll try regular gas next time.


You are the fist person that answered my question. I have a 2002 Ford excursion V10, it has 160k miles. The owners manual calls for 87 octane but it says that it might ping lightly. I live in AZ so is kinda 🔥 hot .. So I ran multiple time seafoam in the gas tank. The engine still pings at lower rpms. Example: I'm going 45mph and the rpms are at 1200.. I step on the gas and the engine pings until 3rd gear kicks in.. So I have to run 91 octane so I don't get any ping and the truck runs pretty smooth..


Nice vid. Higher octain is usually a better idea in forced induction engines for the same reasons. I see way too many people trying to run regular in a gtp and it never works out well.


i have an corolla with over 600, 000 93 gives it more kick dont know if im hurting a half mill engine but so far 2 years going strong!!


Whether premium gas gives you any benefit is dependent on whether the engine is designed to adjust ignition timing with enough latitude to make the best of whatever octane it gets. Some vehicles are relatively stupid and you don't get much benefit from premium; some vehicles have a lot more latitude in their ignition timing automatic adjustments and you get a benefit. The only way to know is to run several tanks and see.


I'm working for BP and ultimate 100 unleaded have those results and benefits in low octane engines..thank you for showing this point of benefits!


Thanks . You’ve made a video that has actual specific information in it. What a concept.
Again. Thank you, I just subscribed.


Straight to the point perfect I own a Mercedes and decided to put cheap gas and started to here a kick at high accelerations just use what the manufacturer says period on high end cars🙌👌👍


I compared 95 vs 100 octane on my lexus ct200h hybrid.
I didnt recocgnize any power benefit, but consumption was from 5% to 10% lower.
I measured it with the actual fuel pumped and kms, several times on the same home/work travels.
Curious thing, the onboard computer gives even lower consumption values, so I'm pretty sure something happens and is recognised by the car, the 100 octane fuel is also different in conposition and smell.


My motor is rated to run on normal pump gas but when I run premium it does run better I run premium like ever other tank


87 Octane plus Marvel Mystery Oil on every fill up. Your vehicle will love you for this.


Me & friends switched to high octane fuel with great results. An article starting out biased makes one question the author's motive when real world use proves the author's claims inaccurate. By experience higher octane fuel has provided better performance & higher mpg for all of us making the switch. If not, why would any of us pay the dollar more per gallon?


My dude you def break it down. Been a while since i read my tuning book and this is def a quick refresher


Never seen someone answer a question as soon as the video start. For that ill sub


Flash tune for higher octane is the real way to benefit from higher does ignite better and burns cleaner..for that I always ran high grade in my simple vortex hated lower oct..spoiled the dang thang..but when a friend of mine played around with a palm tuner..nothing professional just enough to flash for fuel grade..and man o man.. nothing but a stock power parts at all.. and the truck preformed amazing.. averageing 30+ mpg..and the higher end of the revs and it jumped up and was gone..and made it the lower end of the revs way more torque..played with shift points alittle and bam..a fun little truck out on the back stranger to getting ya off the line going through town..higher octane does help most vehicles..but a tune changes the game even if it's stock.. got the proof out in the driveway.


This is very interesting. I recently had a misfire code on my number 3 cylinder. I had replaced that injector about 2 years ago an assumed it was that injector. I accidentally put about 5 gals of 90 octane no ethanol regular in my tank. The next day miraculously the misfire was almost completely unnoticeable. So I’m assuming my number 3 cyl fouled out that injector. Then when I ran the 90 octane no ethanol fuel through it, it cleared that cylinder of debris and the injector became unstuck or cleaned out. As my mech told me the injector was intermittently firing. And trust me I noticed when I started it the next morning. Now I’ll clear the codes and see what my scanner tells me.


Great explanation of the different octanes and need for each type!


A lot of people always believe that high octane fuel is a waste of money. But if you want to keep your car longer than 500, 000 miles then premium gas might be your best friend. A lot of times people just jump their cars after a certain amount of time passes
