Let's talk about Trans Gatekeeping

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I've been wanting to address this for a bit, so here's a longer video and my thoughts about all the random stuff happening right now, especially the harmful aspects of gatekeeping.
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Yes!!!! Honestly, pop off king/monarch! As a genderfluid person, I can relate so much and wholeheartedly agree!




This video was so well thought out and very well delivered! Thank you for sharing this information and your own personal experiences. Keep up the great work, homie <33


This is really well put op! You should do like a essay or something about it and get it published somewhere


Thank you for talking about this, your points are clear and it's really nice to hear this being said somewhere, and well delivered at that. Thanks for doing what you do, it's heavily appreciated!


Question I’ve had for months: is the term “dysphoria” gate-kept for the trans community? I recently realized that I’m gay (wlw) and figuring out how to dress that truly makes me happy, and the way certain clothes fit me and make me literally wanna die feels like something more than just being “uncomfortable”, and the word “dysphoria” is the only word that feel right. If it is I will respect it. (Also I hope that you can get top surgery if it makes you happy!)


Non-sequitur! I'm an uneducated 40+ cis gender hetero white male with a question. I consider myself to be a waking (not woke, if you think you're woke you are falling back to sleep!) individual. As a Skeptic, I am constantly challenging my positions and opinions and would love some feedback from you and or the group here. My sister is married to an trans male whom I love and consider a brother, I performed the ceremony and it is one of my most cherished memories! Anyway, it occurred to me that I am more comfortable with her being with him than I would be with her being with a cis man because well, we have a tendency to suck. But his implies that I view him and trans men in general differently from cis men which causes me more than a little distress, cognitive dissonance is never comfortable! After much consideration and reflection I've figured out why I hold his view. There are biological differences, chromosomal (is that even a word?) genetic etc. sex and gender are separate... right? More than that though, I feel having been socialized as a biological woman growing up would have drastic and lasing affects on ones world view. As a result, I tend to view trans men as having fewer toxic masculine traits, I tend to view trans men more favorably but differently and I am not sure if this is problematic. I would bring his up with Martin (my sisters husband) directly but I am uncomfortable with the idea that he may be bothered that I view him differently than cis men, even if it is more favorably, especially if he misunderstands and mistakenly comes to he conclusion that I consider him "less" of a man. For he record, I do not, I've known trans men that are more “man” than me and any three cis men I know combined (whatever that means). My question is, is this a problematic way of thinking, a point of view I should work to change? My lesbian landlords just facepalmed and told me I think too much when I broached he subject with them, which I have to say was less than helpful! Any feedback would be much appreciated, even if it is harsh feedback. Sometimes a spanking is not only warranted but needed! Thanks again for any input and may he worst of your futures be the best of your pasts... All of you!!!! P.s. My t and y keys do no work so please forgive an typos I may have missed as this was quite tedious to write!


Well said. Be yourself and if your sense of self changes that’s just your evolution. BTW Gorgeous hair!


I know I’m not a girl, I’m definitely not a boy, but I identified as non-binary for about two months and could not stand it. I think I'm demi girl but I constantly hear/see it excluded and called fake, and that makes me feel horrible and uncomfortable with my pronouns and gender

Edit: I've identified as so many genders over the past 10 months, but I finally found and felt for agender in September/October and I think this is what I am. sucks it took me so long though


i just really don't get why people would gate keep things like this community, its not really good on the younger generation because then they would be unhappy (i don't know how to word things properly qwq)


Do you have your biological father in your life?
