Wolfram Physics I: Basic Formalism, Causal Invariance and Special Relativity

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Thank you, I can now fix my time machine!


It's really big of you guys to show this stuff off online like this for free. Super cool!


When I first read NKS I felt there was a path - Now with Wolfram and his clever team I think real breakthroughs have already been disovered)))


I believe this work is the most interesting work since the golden age !!! Not only does it answer some questions from GR, SR and Quantum Mechanics the Wolfram Model is able to suggest some incredible things! The Tools are very helpful and I think Noble Prizes are o the horizon!!! It must be said that this breakthourgh is exciting and Wolfram has some brilliant people with him on this journey! Send this to anyone young that you know!!!


I am so thrilled to be watching this. Amazing


I just watched this out of curiosity, and also tried at x.75 speed. But still, i'm sure some of my brain cells exfoliated over the nature of these charming explanation of these extremely complex ideas of combinatorics. Sounds promising, but I am skeptical whether I can understand and use it in any form with my little brain.
Hmm, Shall I continue learning or abort right now?

To me this lecture is just "trust me, It is all good." kind of thing. Its intimidating and seems a long way for me to go and learn the theories and consequences of words and terms used here.


I just love this guy! He is explaining exactly what I am interested in. Thank you


Amazing!!! I think the HyperGraph would be an epic video game


Dr. Stephen Wolfram, can we just run differentiable models in your WP framework to emulate ours universe creation possibilities and then filter them out?


But hasn't it already been in the domain of "Theoretical Physics" to search for solution models to quests/problems in physics that have not necessarily been observed?


To prove the existence of causal relationship, forward arrow is not enough.
Forward arrow or if-then statement only represents conditional probabilities which is NOT causal invariance.

You must do backward checking at runtime(A <—> B) for equivalency.
Holy grail of how the universe works.

Loss of causality occurs when an event does not follow the predefined structured pathway of hypergraph.


A formal suggestion. Your cursor should take a special
shape when you move it over a graphic.

At the moment you have the problem of accidentally
clicking into a graphic of the slide and the graphic
is selected. But you do not want that.

Here the cursor should take a special shape over the
graphic and the selection should be prevented.


A question: since hypergraph ticks/calculations are time, does it mean that there is only run-time... universe exists only at runtime...? what about past, future? What about the "loaf-of-bread" view of the universe, where everything (past present futire ) exists... tick is just next slice... what is next slice in hypergraph model? My guess is a history of branching of the hypergraph. But how do you access it. Also hypergraph ticks, do they propagate at some speed? Or we percieve them as simultaneous...


Where can I get the presentation slides? Thank you!


Even though I have been learning for a while now I still found this insightful, enriching and powerful))) I needed this to reinforce my understanding and help my confidence! I think I could describe this now without too many mistakes!!!!
Thank you!!!


could you give the simple explanation, because I still under graduate, I can not understand it. I mean like just give general idea and give some animation for it?


Thank you, for your kindly instructions


I was drawn to this video because I saw my name! Just kidding, of course. Very cool lecture.


This is the greatest thing humanity has ever done. But Jonathan, do you realise the power that emanates from the 'unified field theory'. Is that not scary considering our track record?


Does the following quantum model agree with the Spinor Theory of Roger Penrose?

Quantum Entangled Twisted Tubules: "A theory that you can't explain to a bartender is probably no damn good." Ernest Rutherford

When we draw a sine wave on a blackboard, we are representing spatial curvature. Does a photon transfer spatial curvature from one location to another? Wrap a piece of wire around a pencil and it can produce a 3D coil of wire, much like a spring. When viewed from the side it can look like a two-dimensional sine wave. You could coil the wire with either a right-hand twist, or with a left-hand twist. Could Planck's Constant be proportional to the twist cycles. A photon with a higher frequency has more energy. (More spatial curvature). What if gluons are actually made up of these twisted tubes which become entangled with other tubes to produce quarks. (In the same way twisted electrical extension cords can become entangled.) Therefore, the gluons are actually a part of the quarks. Mesons are made up of two entangled tubes (Quarks/Gluons), while protons and neutrons would be made up of three entangled tubes. (Quarks/Gluons) The "Color Force" would be related to the XYZ coordinates (orientation) of entanglement. "Asymptotic Freedom", and "flux tubes" make sense based on this concept. Neutrinos would be made up of a twisted torus (like a twisted donut) within this model. Gravity is a result of a very small curvature imbalance within atoms. (This is why the force of gravity is so small.) Instead of attempting to explain matter as "particles", this concept attempts to explain matter more in the manner of our current understanding of the space-time curvature of gravity. If an electron has qualities of both a particle and a wave, it cannot be either one. It must be something else. Therefore, a "particle" is actually a structure which stores spatial curvature. Can an electron-positron pair (which are made up of opposite directions of twist) annihilate each other by unwinding into each other producing Gamma Ray photons.

Does an electron travel through space like a threaded nut traveling down a threaded rod, with each twist cycle proportional to Planck’s Constant? Does it wind up on one end, while unwinding on the other end? Is this related to the Higgs field? Does this help explain the strange ½ spin of many subatomic particles? Does the 720 degree rotation of a 1/2 spin particle require at least one extra dimension?

Alpha decay occurs when the two protons and two neutrons (which are bound together by entangled tubes), become un-entangled from the rest of the nucleons

. Beta decay occurs when the tube of a down quark/gluon in a neutron becomes overtwisted and breaks producing a twisted torus (neutrino) and an up quark, and the ejected electron. The phenomenon of Supercoiling involving twist and writhe cycles may reveal how overtwisted quarks can produce these new particles. The conversion of twists into writhes, and vice-versa, is an interesting process.

Gamma photons are produced when a tube unwinds producing electromagnetic waves.

Within this model a black hole could represent a quantum of gravity, because it is one cycle of spatial gravitational curvature. Therefore, instead of a graviton being a subatomic particle it could be considered to be a black hole. The overall gravitational attraction would be caused by a very tiny curvature imbalance within atoms.

In this model Alpha equals the compactification ratio within the twistor cone. 1/137

1= Hypertubule diameter at 4D interface
137= Cone’s larger end diameter at 3D interface

A Hypertubule gets longer or shorter as twisting occurs. 720 degrees per twist cycle.

How many neutrinos are left over from the Big Bang? They have a small mass, but they could be very large in number. Could this help explain Dark Matter?
