RailsConf 2017: Tricks and treats for new developers by David Padilla
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RailsConf 2017: Tricks and treats for new developers by David Padilla
Are you ready to begin building applications with Ruby on Rails? It's very easy to follow a tutorial and learn how to build a blog in 15 minutes, but there's a lot more to it in real life when you try to code a big web app.
During this talk I will give you a bunch of tips and tricks for Rails development that almost everyone follows but rarely anyone talks about.
If you are about to join this fantastic community, this talk is for you.
Are you ready to begin building applications with Ruby on Rails? It's very easy to follow a tutorial and learn how to build a blog in 15 minutes, but there's a lot more to it in real life when you try to code a big web app.
During this talk I will give you a bunch of tips and tricks for Rails development that almost everyone follows but rarely anyone talks about.
If you are about to join this fantastic community, this talk is for you.
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