RailsConf 2017: Do Your Views Know Too Much? by Jason Charnes
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RailsConf 2017: Do Your Views Know Too Much? by Jason Charnes
The logical place to put view-related logic is... inside your view, right? "A little logic here... a little logic there..." but all of a sudden we hardly recognize our views. A quick glance through our code and we can't tell our Ruby apart from our HTML. Don't worry; this is a fun opportunity for some refactoring! Come see several approaches you can start using today to clean up your views.
The logical place to put view-related logic is... inside your view, right? "A little logic here... a little logic there..." but all of a sudden we hardly recognize our views. A quick glance through our code and we can't tell our Ruby apart from our HTML. Don't worry; this is a fun opportunity for some refactoring! Come see several approaches you can start using today to clean up your views.