William Lane Craig's opinion of Sam Harris and Christopher Hitchens

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STOIC Interviewer: In a recent letter to the Imperial College London, I think you cited seven pieces of rational evidence to lead to the conclusion that the Christian God exists.

Dr. Craig: Yes.

STOIC Interviewer: Why do you think that, to many people who have learned the subjects—people such as Christopher Hitchens and Sam Harris who know a lot about the subjects—why do you think that they don’t accept these as rational?

Dr. Craig: Yes, now with respect to the two examples you named, with all due respect, I don’t think they do know a lot about the subject. I have debated both of these gentlemen in public forums at universities, and Christopher Hitchens’ lack of familiarity with the issues is just astonishing. And similarly, with Sam Harris, he was just impotent even to defend his view against criticism.

I think that so often, these folks are so deeply embedded in a kind of secular worldview, and interact so rarely with people from another perspective that they’re utterly unaware of the literature.They don’t read people like me. They don’t participate in conferences with people like me. They don’t invite people like me to share the platform with them as I do when I invite them. And so, there really is a tremendous ignorance, I find. Many of these folks, I think, rejected the Christian faith as young people, 11 or 12 years of age, and they’ve never studied it again since.
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