Bursting vs Chipp

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Chipp is generally easy to burst if you know the situations, but he has a lot of gimmicks that can mess you up. There are some places you should always burst, and places you should never burst. And of course, there's stuff in between, where there are conditions to the burst, or it can be baited at the cost of dropping the combo. Note that many of the burst safe combos build more meter for the opponent and do less damage, so consider that if you're a Chipp player looking to make use of them. This list is NOT exhaustive. If you can think of a situation you don't see here, test it yourself!


The start of a 5D6 is always burstable as long as the attacker is within range of the first active frame of burst; for side dust the defender acts before the attacker finishes their cinematic. The burst MUST be done immediately; slightly delaying will make it whiff due to 5D6 tumble cycle.

The following bursts are guaranteed unless Chipp has the meter to RC, either on reaction or as a read. Just remember to check Chipp's tension before you do these. Senshuu is the most reactable.

This is IMO objectively the best point to burst Chipp combos, because it leads right into Chipp's corner oki and is very easy to burst. Many top players will hold their burst until this point and burst this the first chance they get. Just make sure to burst it when you're actually in a situation for Chipp to convert to knockdown off of it. Burst is just as guaranteed midscreen, but you could have just taken the hit and teched anyway!

Since this is one of the most popular burst points, this is the most common place for an RC to hard bait the burst. Keep this in mind and act accordingly.

Rokusai is a pretty easy place to burst. However, this is one of the places that Chipp will often RC to continue a combo, so if you burst here while Chipp has meter you may find yourself getting it blocked by a Chipp who wasn't even looking for your burst.

The 5D after a Rokusai RC (very common for corner carry) can be spaced so that a fast burst whiffs completely during Chipp's startup animation. Timing your burst to become active during the active frames of Chipp's 5D makes this guaranteed.

Bursting on reaction to the airdash in Chipp's combos is very doable and is more or less guaranteed. The only way to bait it is with an RC or blitz, which almost nobody will do.

2D is a guaranteed burst point up close in the corner. Midscreen it CAN be baited (sometimes inadvertently) by canceling into K Teleport. If the 2D hits from too far away your burst whiffs, like with many sweeps.


2H is also a great burst point, because the only way to get a followup is with S or H teleport, both of which give you a guaranteed burst. It can be hard baited by doing the K teleport, but only midscreen and this ends the combo for Chipp except on CH.

The Resshou after a sweep is a burst bait point if Chipp holds back, but drops the combo. If Chipp wants to commit to continuing it at all, he is burstable here. The 5P afterwards can be made burst safe if Chipp wants, though this is uncommon. Note that due to the height of your character, the 2H CAN be baited with P teleport unlike in the 01:00 example.


There are two variations on following up a throw RC combo and they have different burst points. Try to react to the starter that Chipp uses post-RC.

Gamma Blade's freeze effect is pure hitstop, meaning that if you burst it you'll be invulnerable for the duration of it. This is actually bad, as it allows Chipp to OS his followup hits, even from max range.

Therefore, your objective is to burst the SECOND TO LAST HIT before the jump cancel. If you burst the last hit it can always be made burst safe. You can see some examples here of that and of how Chipp can change his jump point. In practice, you can burst the first hit after you get hit by Gamma and be okay, since most Chipps will go for 2 hits before jumping.

After Genrouzan in the corner, Chipp has combos that are pretty safe for extended periods. Either burst the jD or burst the jK before the jump cancel point (Chipp jP cannot be jump canceled).


Chipp's 5D8 combo can be made completely burst safe. This sacrifices a lot of damage, but be aware.


An extension of spaced 2D from 00:52. If you time your burst to avoid the OTG kill, you're still minus.

Post-OTG Gamma Blade OTG strings are also unburstable. Again, tricky.

A cute combo that shows several burst safe spots. The burst points here are 5K after Gamma Blade, jD before air Alpha Blade, and the last jP right before Ryuuyanagi.
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