Python GUI Tutorial - 21- Entry - part 1 | Tkinter
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Hello everyone, in this video you're going to see how we can work with the Entry in tkinter. Actually we have already know how we can create entries in TKinter. But we didn't fetch the value from that entry yet.
so in this video you're going to see how we can fetch the text inputted in Entry box or TextBox in Python.
example -
from tkinter import *
def click_me():
if(s == "indrajeet"):
root = Tk()
entry = Entry(root)
button = Button(root, text="click", command=click_me)
i'm sure your queries like -
- how to fetch data from the entry in tkinter?
- how to get the value from an entry in tkinter?
- how to get and set value in entry in tkinter on clicking a button?
- how to get the value of text box on clicking a button in tkinter?
- fetch entry's text in tkinter?
have been solved.
if you've any problem related with this video, then please let us know in comment box. we'll answer as soon as possible.
Thanks for watching.
so in this video you're going to see how we can fetch the text inputted in Entry box or TextBox in Python.
example -
from tkinter import *
def click_me():
if(s == "indrajeet"):
root = Tk()
entry = Entry(root)
button = Button(root, text="click", command=click_me)
i'm sure your queries like -
- how to fetch data from the entry in tkinter?
- how to get the value from an entry in tkinter?
- how to get and set value in entry in tkinter on clicking a button?
- how to get the value of text box on clicking a button in tkinter?
- fetch entry's text in tkinter?
have been solved.
if you've any problem related with this video, then please let us know in comment box. we'll answer as soon as possible.
Thanks for watching.
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