Top 10 Dogs Most Likely to Bite Humans · Top 1 is Extremely Dangerous

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Have you ever been bitten by a dog?
Do you know that being bitten by a dog can be dangerous to what extent? We all know that dogs are the most loyal friends of humans, there are extremely gentle breeds that never bite, while there are breeds that are extremely aggressive, threatening to bite anyone who comes near. According to statistics from the World Health Organization, tens of millions of people worldwide are bitten by dogs every year, and sadly, thousands of them have died, most of them are elderly and children.
In today's video, we will together learn about the 10 breeds of dogs that bite the most.

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00:00 Intro
00:38 Chow Chow
02:03 Boxer
03:10 Doberman Pinscher
04:26 Siberian Husky
05:40 Wolf
07:09 Bullmastiff
08:40 Presa Canario
09:45 German Shepherd Dog
11:21 Rottweiler
13:09 Pitbull
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I have an adult male German Shepherd Dog. We brought him home at 11 weeks of age. He was the runt of the litter, and was ostricized by the other pups in his litter. They bullied him, and wouldn't let him eat. When we got him home, he was very aggressive with his eating. He was like that for a couple weeks. then he started to mellow out some, but still had the "Chew EVERYTHING attitude. He got very protective of my 8 y/o grandson at about 6 or 7 months old. Now he is protective of anyone that has any kind of violence, or aggression leveled against them. Kind of a neighborhood hero. I wouldn't trade this dog for any 10 dogs. He is a modern day Rin-Tin-Tin. We have neighbors that praise him for protecting them from other aggressive dogs in the neighborhood. (And he is inside of a fenced yard) He gets very aggressive when he sees any type of aggression, or violence, especially with children, and women. This dog is my heart.


Bite and harm is different to bite anything- small, yappy types are the most person aggressive.


I have had many of these breeds in my mind why would I want a dog that could not kill me. Pitt Bulls are freaking cuddle bugs! So are Rotties!!


Most dogs don't trust strangers. Why would they be expected, too? You wouldn't expect your children to trust strangers now would you? Almost all the time dog attacks are a result of an irresponsible owner. Any breed is capable of biting or rather attacking someone. The larger more powerful breeds tend to do more damage so they get more attention when it happens. A great deal of large breed owners don't know how to raise them. A responsible owner needs to be able to recognize their dogs temperament and be able to read their body language. That they can take necessary precautions in their routine. Also to be able to predict how they might react to someone new coming into your/their home.


Kangal, Boerboel, caucasian Shepard, Akita, Tibetan mastiff, dogo Argentina, cane Corso.


I have worked with all these breeds. Your video is horrifying. You make these animals out to be monsters when, in fact, it is the owner's responsibility to be sure their animals are appropriately trained. Your facts on the pitbull are entirely false. They have the same chemicals that produce thresholds as any other dog. They aren't super dogs. Many also forget before thugs got a hold of them, they were raised to be nanny dogs. It is also known that there is no such thing as a pit bull; they are a combination of breeds. Predominantly American Bulldogs and Staffies. Perhaps we need to start doing a better job at punishing backyard breeders, thugs who train them to fight, and stop sensationalizing the breed in ways that make them look like monsters. It's videos like this that should be vilified, not the animal. A cane corso has a bite force psi of 700, a Presa Canario is 540 psi, and a Pit Bull is 300 psi. You are missing the facts, and this video is terrifying; punish the deed, not the breeds 🤬🤦‍♀️ The last bite report showed Labradoodle and Dalmation as the most bites, but because we love to have stories will blame it on the pit bulls. They don't tell you how, in all the cases of people being bit, there were signs of irresponsible dog owners not doing what they needed to protect the dog. They look for guidance in us, just like our children. Stop the bullying of this breed, and get your facts straight.


Rottweiler will die protecting there family isn't that's the dog's job? To protect his family? I've had 2 Rottweilers and they are very loving and just want to be around you. I have been bitten by more ankle bitters the a Chihuahua than any big dog! That's facts!


You don't have to be a professional dog trainer to train these dogs only a very experienced dog owner is needed with guard breeds in order to train these breeds.


I had a German boxer when I was 15 and trained her for a working dog, she bit a person only once when a half naked man in the woods tried to scare me. Now I have a daschund and she's very protective, doesn't trust strangers and can become agressive if being provoked. I think it's not the breed that is dangerous but it depends on the owner how he treats and teaches his dog from an early age. When I see a doberman, German sheperd, bitbull and other dangerous breed, i put my dachshund on a leash, just in case.


This list is why off most off these breeds are the most calm and loving. Only aggressive if trained that way.


I’ve had a Shepherd she was very protective against men. I’ve had a total of 4 pit bulls. I only have 1 now but I have 3 grand patties and they all get a long. The pits have to be trained from a young age. I will always have a pit as long as I live.


My dogs have never had an unjustified bite. I am 67 and my first dog was a european doberman and I went to more powerful guard and hunting dogs. My best K9 was Kali half Alaskan timber wolf half East German working line German Shepherd. Kali was death on 4 ft. She killed coyotes for fun lol She bit a home invader and broke his arm ( she was trying to bite his face) She was with me for 18 years and she was a wonder with babies and todlers . She slept on the bed beside me. I am too old for wolfdogs now so keep a Catahoula leopard dog and an unusually agressive Treeing Walker.


I have before meet a pitfull just so friendly growing up massive also meet mean one


Well, my boy 'BULLET' is a Siberian Husky / White German Shepherd / Rottweiler Cross and he's Trained Me Not to Bite people. Because that's his job...


This list is bullshit and someone’s opinion


It's crazy because pit bulls are the most abused dog in the world and number 1 on this list for most likely to bite humans. I have a dogo argentino pit bull mix. She is very loyal and protective but won't bite strangers that aren't a threat


Personal anecdotes are useless. Statistics point simply to the numbers and percentages. They do point to a disproportionate number of bites and human deaths from dog breeds. The reasons can vary as to degree of damage a breed can do, the kind of person who purposely seeks to own a breed that can hurt people, and the dogs’ selective genetic intent to react in certain ways. Individual temperaments as well as triggers can set off dogs. The pit bull stands out statistically as harmful.


You don't know what you're talking about AT ALL.. any dog ..regardless of breed ..can bite .. dogs are a product of their environment..bad owners not bad dogs


I grew up with. German Shepherd they are so loving and caring, don't like half of these films saying these dogs are aggressive 😡 the only way they get that way is if their trained which half of them are in certain areas, that is why I leave, messages to all the Animal Shelters to look over the people first before letting the, adopt a dog, because half of those dog's already came from terrible homes... Dogs need caring and loving families ❤


I call bullsh*t, need to do some more research their genius
