The 5 real reasons why guys are lonely today

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My take on the male loneliness epidemic is VERY different. I think we all have a responsibility to address this very real issue, including women. Let me know if you agree or disagree!
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My loneliness is tempered by my comfort in knowing that I will NEVER face a Divorce, Family Courts, and/or Child Support.


Girl I dated dumped me 2 days after I told her I had anxiety. "Youre a great guy I'm sorry". Women say they dont want men to supress emotions and to open up. But I'm going to avoid that topic next time.


My distrust of women and hypersensitivity to manipulation has reached the level of paranoia.


Starting when I was around 12, my mom began teaching me how to take care of myself. She taught me to cook, clean, laundry, set the table, and just about everything else. She’s 82 now and has admitted that she needed the help back then, but she also saw the writing on the wall. She watched the beginnings of feminism and somehow knew what it would do relationships. I remain forever grateful to her.


I've never had a woman take accountability or reflect on her own behavior honestly. It's always deflection and blaming no matter the topic. Never experienced one admit they're wrong and usually have them telling me how to do absolutely everything and keeping score.


As a man, I think it's a good idea to open up emotionally to your girlfriend at an early stage. If she decides she's no longer attracted to you, or if she tries to use it to hurt you in an argument, then you can jettison her before you waste too much time.


There is a difference in being alone and lonely. I’m alone all of the time, I’m not lonely. The most lonely I have ever felt was when I was married. Being single allows me to socialize on my own terms, so I’m not lonely. It’s about perspective and boundaries.


I'm alone, I'm not lonely! Not dealing with a woman that can't control her thoughts, mouth, or actions, is a blessing! No drama, no double standards .


Married 23 years and very lonely. Basically CHOOSING the lonely road.
Wife won't look into herself and see what she is doing to me. No accountability, just want want want from me but never giving. Can't stand the drama and the arguments.
It use to be that women would complement men and be their companion. Now it's competition agains us.


Oh damn she speaks right out of my heart.
I've been in a 5 and a half year relationship with my (ex-) fiancé, opened up step by step. Most major mistake I've made was crying in front of her when we had such a big fight and she said she will leave me, kill herself etc. I couldn't handle the stress, Long story short she slept with a guy from her workplace several month behind my back and then was gaslightning me, that it was all my fault...
That's when I began to be afraid of opening up ever again. I'm so far, that I don't even dare to tell a woman if I like her... Tbh I feel miserable about that, but I can't help it.
I rather be alone, than make make myself vulnerable again and going through this kind of hell a second time.
All guys out there I wish you the best may you find peace, with or without a partner.


I’ve personally experienced that displaying emotion in front of a woman completely changes how she views me. Even my own sister. I will never do this again. The only thing it taught me was that I’m truly on my own in this world.


I stopped dating about 6 years ago. This is the longest period I have gone in my life without being wrong in something I said, did, didn’t say or didn’t do, wrong for what I felt, wrong for wanting intimacy. Wrong for being a male, Wrong for working too hard, wrong for not working hard enough.
After 6 years of not having a person I cherish remind me how wrong I am for being me, I am beginning to like not feeling perpetually inadequate.

I find I am no longer willing to be considered the cause of pain or anger or suffering in a person I cherish. So, as much as I have always loved and valued the woman in my life, I shan’t inflict myself upon them any further. I miss them… but I console myself with the knowledge that at least none of them are having to suffer the love, devotion, or support I offered, but which they could not find it in them to appreciate.


One of the best days of my life was when I realized and truly accepted that no one cares and no one is coming to fix, save, or rescue me. Happiness is an inside job. I'm grateful to God for revealing that truth to me.


I have lived alone for 10 years since leaving a 25-year marriage. Currently on my sailboat in the Caribbean. I have learned how to be alone without feeling lonely. I can socialize as much as I want with other sailors, when I want. Otherwise I am more content than I ever was in my marriage. There are few things worse than sleeping next to an angry woman. I will never remarry.


3 rings in Marriage: engagement ring, wedding ring, and the Suffering.


First of all we should not conflate the state of being alone with loneliness, because these days it is unfortunately far more likely to be lonely when in a relationship.


The fastest way to drive a woman away is to open up to her emotionally. You might as well put on a dress and makeup, and tell her you prefer men. You're allowed five minutes of emotion when your mother passes. That's it.


It's exhausting avoiding toxic women.


“Healthy vulnerability” is an oxymoron as far as men are concerned. Best to keep your feelings to yourself. Nobody cares except to leverage them against you.


Emily, you are right about everything but one thing. The vast majority of women says that they want 1 thing but they actually think another and want neither. Even worse, accountability is their kryptonite. Never apologize, never admit a wrong, always deflect.
