The Law of Vibration

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One of the fundamental laws of the universe seems to be the law of Vibration. It says that almost everything moves, and nothing remains constant. Humans basically exist in a system of motion. When brain cells get activated, they set up a vibration in the body. Therefore, to move the hand, one needs to trigger brain cells to move the body, or the hand would not move. Brain-body coordination is always essential.
Vibration is indeed a mechanical process that causes oscillations around a point of equilibrium. The term originates from the Latin word, vibrationem (to shake or quiver). The oscillations can be regular, such as a pendulum's motion, or casual, such as rolling of tires on a gravel road. To illustrate further, the motion of a tuning spoon, the reed in a music instrument like piano, a mobile device, or the funnel of a loudspeaker are suitable for Vibration. Almost everything seems to vibrate through an external force.
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Successful people don't become that way overnight. What most people see at a glance- wealth, a great career, purpose-is the result of hard work and hustle over time. I pray that anyone who reads this will be successful in life..


We need to all get into a positive frame of mind. That’s all it takes to make the world better. Instead of worrying about others first you need to get yourself in line.


I've always said that WE all must raise our vibrations. Low vibration is what the elites want us all in. It's called FEAR. Don't give them what they want. Give them love and hope.( High vibration). 😊


The highest vibration and frequency is LOVE. It's the source of healing, happiness, joy, prosperity, and peace. So, I wish all of you true and unconditional LOVE.


'If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.' Nikola Tesla


Wait one minute. Did I just learn in this video the very key to all happiness and success? Unbelievable. I love it


When God abides in your heart, He adjusts the frequency that eminates therefrom. That is why it is called "Atonement". Jesus literally gives you the perfect tone. The first 4 letters of heart is hear, it's like an ear that recieves soundwaves, but also sends them out. When you fear man, you have a low frequency vibration that demons and Directed Energy Weapons can infiltrate. When you fear the Lord, He causes your frequency to be super high, like a sawtooth, cannot be penetrated. That is why Jesus calls it sharp as a two-edged sword. The Holy Spirit taught me this, I didn't learn it from anybody, and I'm not smart enough to come up with this by myself. God bless you all.📖🙏✝️


I know what It says here: i feel the hurt of others and i understand their pain which makes it hard on me not to hurt. We are ALL connected and we should care more about each other.


The best vid I've seen on YouTube in years. I'm watching it again (3rd time today) Until I understand every-single-word...(This will really help me with my doctorate!!) I just wish everyone in this world would start vibrating on the same frequency and spreading the love..
L imitless
O scillating
V ibrational
E nergy


now imagine a radio/tv source sent out only LOW frequency energy to a mass amount of people to make them feel Scared, Worried, Depressed, & looking for a higher power to keep them safe. Imagine...


I have had out of body experiences and your consciousness vibrates through every cell in your body then leaves in a whoosh. I felt this same energy whilst doing healing on my brother as he was dying. I felt his energy vibrating. We both commented on the feeling. I am a empath healer and read energies well. It's my gift from the universe. Love and light on your souls journey. Stay in the higher realm and others will follow or repel depending on their spiritual development. 🙏🙏⚖⚖❤🙏🌻🌻


Years ago I did a 528mhz meditation thing and it literally changed my life, at 1st it scared the shit outta me but once I realized what was happening I was very impressed, unlocked my spooky powers


Three months ago I parted company from an intelligent but low vibrational male for all the will in the world I couldn't change his vibration/energy and lots of negative things would happen to me!! I live on a high vibration and I'm a peaceful happy person since he's been out of my life lots of good things have happened!! Strange but very true!!!🇬🇧


I can sense people's emotions and when in the same house I sense my roommates emotions I'm a natural born empath so this video has helped me understand more


Such a neat video. Can anyone else "hear" when someone is in the room, even if your eyes are closed and they are still? I can, and this video really explained very well


As a musician I appreciate the instruments showing


As a lifelong surfer, and someone with a degree in Lasers and Electro-Optics, I have long believed in the truth of the sine wave. The image of the Dao is ancient and an intuitive truth. I'm not smart enough to work with advanced physics but it just feels true. It's nice to see some affirmation like this. We have a long way to evolve, but I'm not confident we'll ever get there. In the meantime, keep vibratin' everyone, and feel the rhythm.


This is why the Great Cathedrals were built on the principles of Sacred Geometry. This Geometric Architecture would allow the sound of the massive Organ inside, to carry for many miles and effect people with positive resonance. I often wonder about music changing to the more discordant 440 Hz during the WW2 era, from the harmonious 432HZ. Considering the Laws of Vibration this may have had a profound effect upon the harmony of the Collective.


I wish I would have learned this information when I was younger, I must have missed it somewhere down the line...but never too late. This makes my heart flutter and brings a warm feeling all over along with a big smile. I know this will bring about huge changes for me others and the world. God bless ❕🥳
