Law Of Vibration (The Law Of Vibration Explained)

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Law Of Vibration (The Law Of Vibration Explained)

In this video on Wise Minds we explain the law of vibration. the law of vibration is one of the 12 universal laws and in this video we show you how it works and the meaning behind the the law of vibration.
What is the law of vibration? Law of vibration how does it work? what are the universal laws? In this video we answer all these questions and you will learn everything about the law of vibration.

The law of vibration appears to be one of the fundamental laws of the universe. Almost everything is in motion, and nothing remains steady, according to this law. Humans are essentially motionless beings. When brain cells are stimulated, a vibration is created in the body. As a result, in order to move the hand, brain cells must be triggered to move the body; otherwise, the hand will not move. It is always necessary to have good brain-body coordination. Vibration is a mechanical phenomenon that creates oscillations around a fixed point. The name vibration comes from the Latin word vibrationem, which means "to vibrate" (to shake or quiver). The oscillations can be regular, like the swing of a pendulum, or irregular, like the rolling of tires on a gravel road. A tuning spoon, a reed in a music instrument like a piano, a mobile device, or the funnel of a loudspeaker, for example, are all suited for vibration. Almost everything appears to vibrate due to an outside influence.


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Divine Oneness (The Universal Law Of Divine Oneness Explained)


In the beginning there was a vibration, and this vibration had such energy to it, that through it all things were formed and would be found.

Much akin to an idea or an opinion that occurs suddenly in the mind without thinking, yet corresponding to some distinct entity essential in feature to what it was, this vibration went by a name.

Its name was Thought and Love was its only way of thinking.

And such was Love's thinking within Thought, that it had all the strength and vitality that was needed to sustain to the fullest degree, every physical and mental activity required to make things whole, yet not entirely holy save but one much needed thing.

Although Thought asked of Love to lend to it its voice, Love at first said nothing but waited, because that is what Love does; it waits.

Thought could see that Love was thinking, and it seemed to Thought that perhaps Love knew not quite what to say. And as Time passed by as it invariably does, Thought began to wonder why if Love was everything of meaning, it had no meaning to answer.

Looking again to Love as Love thought not to look elsewhere, there was still nothing there, just as there is nothing more serenely still than Love as Peace it lends us, a thought our thinking has yet to truly know.

Therefore, and as was Thought’s wont, it began to think again:

"If Love answers not then it has no needs, as would Reason have it be that neither does Love ask for anything."

As Love remained silent, and more silent even still, Thought looked about the seemingly empty space within which it had found itself vibrating, and where for Love as is Love's promise the premise of Hope (and Hope's premise Love's promise in Life) nothing is ever held not true.

At that moment, and for but the briefest period of time beyond Time itself more singular than was any period that went before, Thought became so fully aware of something as fact to understand it clearly and without condition; the most beautiful relationships we can have with each other, they are centred in Love, and with nothing in between that anything is split in two.

Once realised, Thought began to accommodate all thinking to this as so should you, and fears no longer entered the mind of man, since it was never part of Love's overall plan.


Everything in hermetic, religious, and scientific studies about these 12 laws resonates so much with me except for this one thing of vibration.
It just bothers me how it seems to be a placeholder for lazy people to explain away everything, from the physical and chemical composition of matter to someone’s attitude.
In that muddling of things, they end up (at least in my perspective) promoting ignorance.
How many straight up lies are facilitated and spread when “vibration” is used to justify them? Too many for my comfort.
