Unpopular Opinion: My Parenting Style

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Does your childhood influence your parenting style?

Developing my own parenting style as my daughter meets her 3 month milestone. Montessori teachings, gentle parenting, help a girl out!
#firsttimemom #parentingstyles #gentleparenting #montessoriteaching


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I can relate! The best advice I got from my family was to discipline well when kids are young so that you can be their friend when they get older. Discipline with understanding not anger and set clear boundaries for kids and they'll love you for it when they're older!


Having grown up under a very harsh, almost unloving home environment,
I get why you want to be your child's friend. I am now the mother of 3 grown children, and although we were nowhere near perfect parents, they turned out pretty good. I think there has to be a delicate balance between coddling a child and rearing a child (appropriate discipline, rules, standards, and expectations). Too extreme in either direction can cause lots of trauma and years of $$$$ in therapy. (Speaking from experience). I believe in the word of God that says spare the rod and spoil the child. But what I did differently is that I learned that the rod is not a harsh beating or abuse, but the rod is correction, which can simply be a conversation or just a look! Children need guidance and correction and also love and nurturing to become functioning, whole, well-rounded adults. 🥰 Trust me, if you love and correct them, they will voluntarily be your friend when they are older. I hang out with my young adults now - cruises, trips, etc. They come visit often, call, text, etc. Be blessed and take it one day at a time, Jenn!


I think its better to be strict with your kids instead of be their friend. Kids can always find friends but they only have one set of parents. You can be strict and kind and emotionally available. Friendship will come naturally as they become older if you give them enough love and compassion.


I don't have children, but I 100% agree with you. The tough love approach ends up with emotionally shut down, angry adults


“I wanna be my child’s friend” ? Good luck !


Totally relate, trying to parent my kids the total opposite from how I was parented, it’s hella hard but very rewarding.


I understand that you feel like there is a better way to parent your child than the way your parents raised you. However, children need strict boundaries and discipline. When they don’t receive that society suffers. That is why people have become so degenerate in today’s world.

Because we decided to be more lenient disciplinarians than our parents and became our children’s friends rather than making a clear distinction between parent and child, the young adults of today, Generation Z, are a whole new breed of human—and it is not good.


I totally understand where you are coming from, it's sad but I mostly learned from my parents what NOT to do 😬. I want to provide understanding, and listen to my son, I want to know who he is and hear what he has to say, not just dictate over him. BUT... I always tell myself: I am his Mother first! He only 4 and I say to him when he mad at me "you can be mad but I will always love you anyway" cause at the end what I say goes 😂😂❤❤


i agree with everything you said & i’m Haitian so my mom was very strict but also wanted to mention that you look so beautiful ❤️❤️ I love your natural curls😭💕 they look so healthy, soft and moisturized.


Wait until you have children because experience is the best teacher. Children push your button.😊


Grandparenting and parenting are two different things completely. Grandparents let everything go lol. Millennials are like who is this? That said some of these millennials need to bring back the old school cause their kids are out of control.


The question U need to ask yourself first is whether you are a bad and ignorant person after you become an adult? Look at the parents of today who are their children friends and not a parent. You can do a lot of those things, but parenting comes 1st and loving, teaching them about whats ahead to come. Becareful of the word friends when it comes to raising your children, it can BITE you in the BUTT. LIFE IS PRECIOUS!!!
