Helldivers 2 - CEO Reveals NEW Armor DLC, Mech Nerf & Major Order!

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Hey, let's talk Helldivers 2 News & Latest Update, Mech Nerf Stratagem, Major Order & New Armor Bundle!
0:00 Overview
0:29 New Armor Bundle Confirmed
1:45 Emote Glitch
3:18 Mech Nerf
4:23 Next Patch
5:14 Social Menu Update
7:11 Datamine
8:44 Major Order News

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The mech taking 8-14 rockets to kill 1 charger and he thinks the mechs need a nerf? 🤣🤣🤣


Them joking about nerfs is not really a good idea.


Arrowhead the type of devs that'll remove rocket jumping from tf2.


I don't understand why mechs would need a nerf. If anything, mechs need some buffs or synergies with other stratagems. Like the shield backpack giving the mech a small shield to help absorb some incoming fire. Just an idea!


The mechs are already weak compared being without a mech, NOW IF WE CAN GET 2 AT THE SAME TIME THEY WILL GET MASSACRED?!?!!?!


I don't think mechs are even good enough to nerf if you could use 2


Mechs need more of a buff than a nerf. The cooldown is atrocious. and theres even a limit. If the cooldown is 10 minutes, it should be infinite uses. Patriot needs rocket buff, or more rockets and/or a health buff as it barely takes anything to destroy it. Or make it like armor where the patriot moves a lot faster than the AC mech since its more tanky.


In HD1 you could bring all 3 mechs on one mission if you wanted and just hot swap between them when ammo ran out since you had a little launcher that farted out stratagem balls. Could also upgrade them to have more ammo supply, better handling, and higher dmg/armor pen. Was fun doing a full mechanized warfare build.


Nerfing the MECHS?!

Why? Just why?

They are already mediocre as they are now, why would they need to nerf them?

I can assure you in a week the number of players that i see using the mechs isn't higher than 2!


Mechs need buff bad, you have to unload half your rockets to kill a behemoth and about 4 rocket headshots to kill a bile titan. Exo-45 is a joke compared to what it used to be.


Did those devs even play their own mechs lately?

Well, wouldn't be the first time. Railgun was over-nerfed, then buffed back to more or less similar state before.


I think the devs don't know what they're doing and I don't think they play the game. The mechs aren't even that good they're pretty situational so no two isn't overpowered.


you know, I joked about arrowhead's love of nerfing, but this is just ridiculous!
who hurt you arrowhead devs? who made you this way???


the joking about the nerf is stupid: haha you want a better expirience playing no that will require a nerf good thing to say while player numbers are as low as ever if you compare the machs to hd1 they are already weak enough


4:21 if you have mech you basicali give up spamable stratagem . that is nerf enought in my opinion lol


That statement about nerfs is total bullshit and shows how out of touch the CEO is - they always intended to let you have all mechs in one game, engineers made a statement saying it was purely because of server issues with lots of vehicles. They said they would let you have both once they get on top of server issues.

What the hell.


I don't think he was being serious about the mech nerf, I think he was just joking.


The perfect nerf for Mecha would be Astartes like power armor with a full auto dominator


I'd like to have the preorder armors. You can't blame people for not having faith in the game when most of us didn't even know Helldivers existed until after release.


I miss helldivers one mentality: no such thing as weapons being too powerful. Because your enemies are legion, and your resources are limited.
