What is a Gas Turbine? (For beginners)

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Two of the most common applications of Gas Turbines in modern industries are Turbo Generators and Turbo Compressors.

We try to approach a Gas Turbo Generator (GTG) to better feel the subject.

In a Gas Turbine Power Plant, there’s a Generator which is an electrical machine. But to generate electricity this generator needs a Prime Mover which for my example is a Gas Turbine.

Gas Turbine transforms the chemical energy in the fuel (i.e. natural gas or the similar fuel) into mechanical energy.

The mechanical energy generated by the Turbine exit shaft is then transferred through a gearbox to the Generator’s shaft. Now my generator can create electrical energy.

This primitive form of electrical energy normally has a low or medium level of voltage and to better manage the power loss in transmission lines, this voltage should be increased by step-up transformers.

Such transformers give an adequate level of voltage to the electrical energy to be transmitted through the transmission lines and delivered to the grid.

After this brief overview of a sample Gas Turbine application, I’m going to dig down into the Gas Turbine mechanism in more detail.

First, imagine a rocket in which some fuel is going to burn and create a high-pressure exhaust gas. Based on energy conservation law, the chemical energy of the fuel is transformed into mechanical energy in the high-pressure exhaust gas.

When a rocket is fired, the thrust of this exhaust gas moves the rocket forward. This amount of rocket science is enough for me and now suppose I fix the rocket body with a robust mechanical structure to prevent its movement.

What will happen? The high-pressure exhaust gas should be released and it will have no way but backward!

Now keep this structure in mind and imagine I put a set of turbine blades in the path of this high-pressure back-fired exhaust.

You see that the release of mechanical energy which is mostly in a “linear” backward direction will mostly transform into kind of “rotational” movement of turbine shaft and so far I’d say it’s a big success, i.e. transforming the chemical energy of fuel gas into rotational mechanical energy of turbine shaft.

Now I have a “Prime Mover” for my generator in the above power plant example. Also, this prime mover concept can be used in different applications like turbo compressors or the likes.

Now that I got the basics of Gas Turbines, let’s focus on a modern Gas Turbine and its components.

Most likely you know about “Fire Triangle” or “Combustion Triangle” which illustrates the necessary ingredients of fire or combustion, i.e. “Fuel”, “Air”, and “Heat”.

To transform the chemical energy of the fuel gas into mechanical energy, the fuel should be burnt in the “Combustion Chamber” of a gas turbine, so I need air and heat added to the fuel.

Air is let into the gas turbine through “Air Intake” and mixed with a proper amount of natural gas. The Air/Gas ratio is determined based on the specific heating value of the gas and quality of the air, amount of moisture, altitude from sea level and so on.

Now an ignition system steps in and makes the initial sparks, so hereby heat is provided. When the fire is established and stabilized in the combustion chamber, the ignition system will be put out of service.

The most critical process in normal turbine operation is to manage the combustion and produce a proper amount of high-pressure exhaust gas. This exhaust gas is applied to the turbine blades and after rotating the turbine shaft, conducted to the exhaust stack.

This was the simplest way to address major parts of Gas Turbines and as one of the most sophisticated man-made machines, a Gas Turbine deserves more elaboration.

Also, there are different technologies which some manufacturers use as their proprietary technology and were not considered in this video.


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#RealPars #Gasturbine #Turbocompressor
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To be more efficient, many gas plants use a combined cycle where the exhaust gas that leaves the gas turbine, which is still hot, is used to boil water and power a steam turbine to make even more electricity.




Two of the most common applications of Gas Turbines in modern industries are Turbo Generators and Turbo Compressors. I try to approach a gas turbo generator to better feel the subject. In a gas turbine power plant, There is a generator which is an electrical machine. But to generate electricity this generator needs a prime mover which for my example is gas turbine. The gas turbine transforms the chemical energy in the fuel into mechanical energy. The mechanical energy generated by the turbine exit shaft is then transferred through a gearbox to the generator's shaft. Now my generator can crate electrical energy. This primitive form of electrical energy normally has a low or medium level of voltageand to better manage the power loss in transmission lines, this voltage should be increased by step-up transformers. Such transformers give an adequate level of voltage to the electrical energy to be transmitted through the transmission lines and deliverated to the grid. After this brief overview of a sample gas turbine application, I am going to dig down into gas turbine mechanism in more detail. First, imagine a rocket in which some fuel is going to burn and create a high-pressure exhaust gas. Based on energy conservation law, the chemical energy of the fuel is transformed into mechanical energy in the high-pressure exhaust gas. When a rocket is fired, the thrust of this exhaust gas moves the rocket fordward. This amount of rocket science is enough for me and now suppose I fix the rocket body with a robust mechanical structure to prevent its movement. What will happen? The high-pressure exhaust gas should be released and it will have no way but backward. Now keep this structure in mind and imagine I put a set of turbine blades in the path of this high-pressure back-fired exhaust. You see that the release of mechanical energy which is mostly in "linear" backward direction will mostly transform into kind of "rotational" of turbine shaft and so far I had say it is a big success, i.e transforming the chemical energy of fuel gas into rotational mechanical energy of turbine shaft. Now I have a "Prime Mover" for my generator in the above power plant example. Also, this prime mover concept can be used in different applications like turbo compressors or the likes. Now that I have the basics of gas turbines let´s focus on a modern gas turbine and its components. Most likely you know about "Fire triangle" or "Combustion Triangle" which illustrates the necessary ingredients of fire or combustion, i.e "Fuel", "Air", and "Heat". To transform the chemical energy of the fuel gas into mechanical energy, the fuel should be burnt in the combustion chamber of a gas turbine, so I need air and heat added to the fuel. 4:13

Dos de las aplicaciones más comunes de las turbinas de gas en las industrias modernas son los turbogeneradores y los turbocompresores. Intento acercarme a un turbogenerador de gas para sentir mejor el tema. En una planta de energía de turbina de gas, hay un generador que es una máquina eléctrica. Pero para generar electricidad, este generador necesita un motor primario que, por ejemplo, es una turbina de gas. La turbina de gas transforma la energía química en el combustible en energía mecánica. La energía mecánica generada por el eje de salida de la turbina se transfiere a través de una caja de engranajes al eje del generador. Ahora mi generador puede generar energía eléctrica. Esta forma primitiva de energía eléctrica normalmente tiene un nivel de voltaje bajo o medio y para manejar mejor la pérdida de energía en las líneas de transmisión, este voltaje debe incrementarse mediante transformadores elevadores. Tales transformadores dan un nivel adecuado de voltaje a la energía eléctrica que se transmitirá a través de las líneas de transmisión y se entregará a la red. Después de esta breve descripción general de una aplicación de turbina de gas de muestra, voy a profundizar en el mecanismo de la turbina de gas con más detalle. Primero, imagine un cohete en el que se quemará algo de combustible y creará un gas de escape a alta presión. Según la ley de conservación de energía, la energía química del combustible se transforma en energía mecánica en el gas de escape a alta presión. Cuando se dispara un cohete, el empuje de este gas de escape mueve el cohete hacia adelante. Esta cantidad de ciencia de cohetes es suficiente para mí y ahora supongo que arreglo el cuerpo del cohete con una estructura mecánica robusta para evitar su movimiento. ¿Lo que sucederá? El gas de escape a alta presión debe liberarse y no tendrá más remedio que retroceder. Ahora tenga en cuenta esta estructura e imagine que coloco un conjunto de álabes de turbina en el camino de este escape de alta presión con retroceso. Usted ve que la liberación de energía mecánica que está mayormente en dirección "lineal" hacia atrás se transformará principalmente en una especie de "rotación" del eje de la turbina y hasta ahora he dicho que es un gran éxito, es decir, transformar la energía química del gas combustible en Energía mecánica rotacional del eje de la turbina. Ahora tengo un "Prime Mover" para mi generador en el ejemplo de planta de energía anterior. Además, este concepto de motor principal se puede usar en diferentes aplicaciones como turbocompresores o similares. Ahora que tengo los conceptos básicos de las turbinas de gas, centrémonos en una turbina de gas moderna y sus componentes. Lo más probable es que sepa sobre "Triángulo de fuego" o "Triángulo de combustión" que ilustra los ingredientes necesarios del fuego o la combustión, es decir, "Combustible", "Aire" y "Calor". Para transformar la energía química del gas combustible en energía mecánica, el combustible debe quemarse en la cámara de combustión de una turbina de gas, por lo que necesito agregar aire y calor al combustible.


So I need air and heat added to the fuel. Air is let into the gas turbine through air intake and mixed with a proper amount of natural gas. The air/gas ratio is determined based on the specific heating value of the gas and quality of the air, amount of moisture, altitud from sea level and so on. Now an ignition system steps in and makes the initial sparks, whereby heat is provided. When the fire is established and stabilized in the combustion chamber, the ignition system will be put of service. The most critical process in normal turbine operation is to manage the combustion and produce a proper amount of high-pressure exhaust gas. This exhaust gas is applied to the turbine blades and after rotating the turbine shaft, conducted to the exhaust stack. With this quick review of key components of a gas turbine, I think it is time to decrease the altitude and elaborate on the system further. As mentioned earlier, air is let into the gas turbine through air intake. The air is prone to contaminations or having some unwanted particles which can harm the system and degrade the overall performance. The screening and filtration are basic requirements for incoming air. Also, proper instrumentation is mounted on the Air duct to monitor the draft oressure and temperature. In harsh enviroments, the air might need to be preheated or conditioned. Also, differential pressure monitoring of air filters. will warn the turbine operator of filter clogging. The conditioned air is conducted into the turbine air compressor which is an axial compressor comprised of multi-stages of blades mounted radially on the turbine inlet shaft. The discharge pressure and temperature of the air compressor are monitored to manage the combustion quality at the combustion chamber. Fuel gas is a key factor in the desing and operation of a gas turbine. The manufacturers need to know the details of fuel gas and only based on its characteristics, can guarantee the performance of their gas turbines are monitored during normal operation of a gas turbine. There are different technologies in propierly mixing the air and gas and making efficient combustion from manufacturer to manufacturer. Combustion chambers are of some tubular heat resistant structures and fuel is usually injected into it from the circumference and at different cross-sectional locations. The temperatures at different locations of the combustion chamber are thoroughly monitored by means of proper sensors like thermocoples. This zone in gas turbine structure is of the highest levels of importance to monitor and control. Also, the technologies used in the design and construction of the combustion chamber are of the topmost ones. Now thet the air/gas mixing is well managed and combustion is going on properly, there is a plenty amount of hig-pressure/high-temperature exhaust gas generated and should be applied to the gas turbine blades to make turbine exit shaft rotation feasible. At this stage, the high RPM of gas turbine rotor should be tightly monitored and based on the load driven by turbine, the surge of turbine gets the topmost importance for turbine performance and turbine protection. Vibrations (axial and radial and speed) both at the air compressor and gas turbine should be continuisly taken into consideration. This was the simplest way to addres major parts of gas turbines and as one of the most sophisticated man-made machines, a gas turbine deserves more elaboration. Also, there are different technologies which some manufacturers use as their propierly technology and were not considered in this video.


This is by far the most helpful summary of the two types I've seen. I've started an accounting job at a big turbine company and wanted to learn the basics, and this is a great breakdown for someone who already knows the basics. Thank you!


This is probably the best explanation on the GT


1:45 Realpars, you should of added a step down transformer to the home. I know it's just a basic overview, but I feel like it should be in there, to not confuse people. Either way, great job!


Nice animation. This is what I call "basic in-depth"😁😁. I work on GE Frame 9E and TM25000, Siemens SGT 300, 400 & 500, Alstom GT26, Mitsubishi TwinPac, OGT 25000 gas turbines but your video has given me a refresher course. Thanks


The video helped me a lot. It's my first time work in a gas turbine power plant, the control system is from GE, Mark VI.


That was the best explained GTG I have ever seen, Thank you.


Everytime i see cool and fascinating stuff liikethis i feel like i want to work with it. I would have so many careers and professions right now.


Thanks a lot for this video that explain very clearly the process above all to whom like me is not an engineer, I work at sales for a company that produces cold drawn blades for steam and gas turbines and spacer and coil wedge for generators


All videos of this channel are educational jewels.


I've got a slight nitpick @ 1:49

The voltage doesn't decrease from the the distribution line to the home by itself. That diagram in real world conditions would fry every piece of electronics in a house. The voltage is decreased by step-down transformers at a substation; which isn't pictured there. And then it's stepped-down again by another transformer positioned on a pole somewhere along your street.


Soo well explained man, thank you for the work!


This is a great video. I will point out however, that around 7:36 they make you believe that firing temperature is measured directly by thermocouples. It isn’t. Typically the firing temperature is measured quite indirectly by being calculated from the exhaust temperature thermocouples and other sensors such as ambient temperature. I don’t know of any (at least heavy duty Frame 6, 7, 9) that measure firing temperature directly anywhere near the combustor or combustor to turbine transition piece.


Very well explained and easy to understand how such a gas turbine works. Well done Sir !


the work for the electric generator is obtained by the turbine, not by compressor. that means in this case, the work needed to compress air is equal to generate electric power.


I worked in the Gas turbine Power thermal plant as I&C tech. It was great.


Im getting an EE degree as well as writing a speech on climate change. Figured this would help understand somethings better!
