3D animation of industrial gas turbine working principle

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Industrial gas turbines from MAN Diesel & Turbo cover the 7 -13 MW range. This animation explains the working principle of these heavy duty machines by example of the new MGT series. A twin shaft version serves for mechanical drive applications while the design of the single shaft version is dedicated for power generation. You'll see some basic similarities to jet engines.

Industriegasturbinen von MAN Diesel & Turbo decken das Leistungsspektrum von 7-13 MW ab. Diese Animation erklärt ihr Arbeitsprinzip anhand der neuen MGT-Serie. Ein Zweiweller dient als mechanischer Antrieb, während die Einweller-Variante zur Stromerzeugung konzipiert ist. Die Funktionsweise hat einige Gemeinsamkeiten mit Flugzeugtriebwerken.

Las turbinas de gas industriales de MAN Diesel & Turbo abarcan todo el espectro de prestaciones en el rango de potencias 7-13 MW. Esta animación explica su principio de funcionamiento tomando como ejemplo la nueva serie MGT. Una turbina de dos árboles sirve para propulsión mecánica, mientras que la variante monoárbol ha sido concebida para la generación de energía. Su principio de funcionamiento presenta aspectos comunes a las turbinas aeroderivadas.

Les turbines à gaz industrielles de MAN Diesel & Turbo couvrent la plage de puissance de 7 à 13 MW. Cette animation explique leur principe de fonctionnement sur la base de la nouvelle série MGT. Une turbine bi-arbre sert d'entraînement mécanique, tandis que la variante mono-arbre est conçue pour la production d'électricité. Leur fonctionnement présente certains points communs avec les réacteurs d'avions.

As turbinas a gás industriais da MAN Diesel & Turbo cobrem o espectro de potências de 7-13 MW. Esta animação explica o seu princípio de funcionamento com base na nova série MGT. A variante de dois eixos funciona como acionamento mecânico, enquanto que a variante de um eixo foi concebida para a produção de corrente. O modo de funcionamento tem alguns pontos em comum com os grupos motopropulsores de aviões.

Le turbine a gas industriali di MAN Diesel & Turbo coprono la gamma di prestazioni da 7 a 13 MW. La presente animazione ne illustra il principio operativo sulla base della serie MGT. Un bialbero funge semplicemente da azionamento meccanico, mentre la variante monoalbero è concepita per generare corrente. Il funzionamento ha alcune cose in comune con il motore degli aerei.

MAN Diesel & Turbo 工业燃气轮机覆盖 7 至 13 MW 的功率范畴。 本片以新型的 MGT 系列为例, 显示了其工作原理。 其中一个双轴机用于机械驱动, 而单轴构造设计用于发电。 这种运行模式与飞机引擎有许多共同之处。

Промышленные газовые турбины MAN Diesel & Turbo охватывают диапазон мощности от 7 до 13 МВт. Данная анимация разъясняет принцип работы на примере новой серии MGT. Двухвальная машина предназначена для механического привода, в то время как одновальный вариант сконструирован для выработки электроэнергии. Принцип действия имеет некоторые общие черты с авиационными двигателями.

تغطي توربينات الغاز الصناعية الخاصة بشركة MAN Diesel & Turbo طيف القدرة ما بين 7-13 ميجا وات. وتوضح الرسوم المتحركة مبدأ العمل على أساس سلسلة MGT الجديدة. وصُمم التوربين ثنائي العمود للاستخدام كمحرك للأقراص الميكانيكية، بينما صُمم المتغير أحادي العمود لتوليد الكهرباء. وهناك بعض أوجه الشبه بين طريقة عمل هذه التوربينات وطريقة عمل محركات الطائرات.

Рекомендации по теме

I don't know how I got from memes to this but I don't regret it c:


Ahhh finally someone pronouncing turbine the correct way 👍🏻


Very good and well explanatory please keep it up.


I went down a rabbit hole. Starting off with how an AK works then to an AR and then the layout of a Abrams tank then to the engine of the tank I don’t quite know how I got here but I did and I’m glad I managed to get here


The gas turbine consists of 2 sections
the gas generator with high pressure turbine
And the power/low pressure turbine Wich spins independently of the gas generator at a variable speed thanks to a second independent shaft. An external drive Wich is an electric motor starts the gas turbine and it drives the shaft of the high pressure turbine allong with the compressor mounted on this same shaft. The compressor driven by the high pressure turbine serves to take in the air needed for cumbustion, inside the 6 combustion Chambers the air is mixed with feul gas and this mixture is ignited.
The hot exhaust gasses expand driving both the high and the low pressure turbine blades making them spin, the fast spinning turbine blades and shaft drives a generator wich converts the spinning energy to Electrical energy. The hot exhaust gasses then flow through the gas turbine defuser wich increases the gas pressure and ejects it via the outlet casingof the exhaust. The high temperature gas can still be utilized to generate steam when it comes out. Connected behind the turbine you will find the specialy designed boiler called a heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) it's function is to capture the high temperature exhaust gas from the gas turbine and convert it to steam. Thanks to the captured exhaust gas The HRSG then generates steam where it is then delivered to a steam turbine where even more electricity will be produced. The main steam piping Wich are Huge bundles of pipes running out of the HRSG to the steam turbine, are the pipes that deliver high temperature and high pressure steam from the HRSG to the steam turbine. The steam turbine uses this steam from the main steam piping to spin the generator. Similar to the gas turbine high temperature and high pressure steam passes through the steam turbine turning the blades and the shaft Wich turns the second generator to make more electricity.


what kind of software that you use to make 3D modeling, 3D rendering, and 3D animation?


Thanks sam vai for the giveaway, wish I could have one of these amazing powerbank


The Best explanation by superb animation video


That should be a perfect fit in my land train. It's nice to have a reliable 9000 hp whenever you need it


I've always pronounced it incorrectly as MAN and not M-A-N


Sweet, I was actually just thinking about something like this yesterday... the algorithm as always can read minds =p


I have a question. How long works the electric motor used to start the compressor? I mean, in steady state the shaft spin is selfsustainable as long as the combustions keeps ongoing, or if the electric motor stops, the entire system stops?


can you tell which software used to create such videos


Loved the video, and the combustion chambers are ingenious! But I have a technical question: the main advantage of the gas turbine is the lower number of movable parts, which increases reliability when compared to piston engines, specially for high power output. My question is if it would be economic to make it smaller (for the 500/600HP range, use a centrifugal compressor (like the one of a turbo), injection of diesel on the combustion chamber. Conected to a generator and only the enough LiPo batteries for 30/45 min of work. Then, on the MAN truck, you would install one 150HP electric motor on each wheel (even making it available in kits to install on trailers, so that they could provide extra traction if needed), and an electronic system where it would be charging the batteries on descends, even disabling the turbine. Basicly, a hybrid truck, where the main innovation is an engine which would need very low maintenance, lighter, lower number of parts and increased reliability. The only question, which would need research, is if the turbine will use the thermal power of the fuel as efficiently as the regular combustion engine, and, most of all, if the power loss due to the conversion of fuel-electric energy/storage-engine is compensated by the fuel saving on the descends, by the virtual elimination of maintenance on brakes, by the security on having full traction (even possibly on the trailer). What do you think? I do have an idea for the new "diesel turbine"... If you're interested, let me know.


may i share your video to linkedin ?, this good video and people have to know, really cool


What is the software thar makes this animation?


New friend all suport sayo from TEAM AYUDA FOUNDER.


Great I love MAN....
It has an experience of about 250 years


this is the easiest video to understand about gas turbine engine


Tem como transmitir essas informações técnicas em português.agradeço
