How to get more movement on your Change Up

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Here is a video answering a question that I received on my website about how to get more movement on your change up. The circle change up can be a very effective pitch but it has to be deceptive (look like a fastball), but then have the change of speed to make it a good change up. Change of speed is not enough to make a great change up. A great circle change up will also have some good movement down in the zone (or have a lot of depth). So, in this video we talk about a circle change up that is moving the wrong way and how to get more movement on your change up (the right kind of movement...down and arm side).

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Another of my favorite "how to" YouTube videos:

Рекомендации по теме

Thanks for answering my question coach! This is just the answer I was looking for and it makes perfect sense.


When I throw change up, I twist my wrist. Do you twist your wrist when you throw the change up? otherwise You throw change up like fastball without twisting wrist?  Thanks


Do you have any tips to help reduce feeling nervous while fielding? Thanks


My high school coach wants me focus on getting more speed on my fastball?
because he said I'm a big kid who should be throwing decently harder then what I am(6'4 230lb and I'm a sophmore


I am an older player think I asked you a question about hitting slower pitching, but with my pitching I used to throw a screwball and threw it so well it was my out pitch and I'd start it on the outside half of the plate and it would break out of the zone and late they'd go fishing just about every time, but something has happened and I can't figure it out but now I just throw them all way to far outside to a right-handed batter( lefty) any idea on how I can get that pitch more inside? I can't figure it out.


the bat  barrel LEAVES the outer part of the plate first.the idea of a change up is to get the batter to swing ahead of the ball..if you throw a ball INSIDE to A RIGHTY you give him the chance to hit the ball moreso than the outside corner..if you want to throw a PRONATED change up throw it to a leftt so it breaks down and away..the BARREL has already left the zone


Mine was doing the s thing i grip it like a birds claw ring middle and pointing finger on four seam position of the ball and my thumb underneath and throws it like a fastball it spins but wiggles like a knuckle ball


Hey I was wondering if u have any drills to increase stride length.


How can I get more movement on my 2-seam fastball? I try to pronate but I don't seem to get the movement


Is there anything while pitching that you picked up from a batter to help you get them out. An example did you look at there batting stance to see how you would pitch to them
