There is Only Awareness - Guided by Mooji

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This has become my daily meditation and I am so grateful to Mooji. There's nothing like the voice and vibration of a true Master personally guiding you into Freedom via this simple but powerful Awareness aware of Awareness meditation. Much gratitude for posting this. (I even enjoy the occasional dog barking, since I know this was recorded live at the India satsangs)


Mooji is a great Master and Teacher. He teaches TRUTH and has expedited my Awakening. If you don't "Get It" you are simply just not ready to hear TRUTH. Go back and be prepared and begin to undo then begin your Awakening before you make comments that are out of attack from your ego <3


After my life was totally destroyed by this advaita teachings and all what was left was misery and suffering.. That emptiness was hautning me and i started to believe in creator for the first time in my life.. No matter how many times i heard "god is imaginary" from other people, even i believed it so much that this tought of creator was ridicilous to me.. But my life healed slowly, i work now i meet new people, i laugh and enjoy life as much as i can..


My immense gratitude goes out to all those who have compiled these videos.


Every word you share i know financially we owe you our lives. I was born in the corridor of rotorua hospital aotearoa new zealand 29.09.67 a time when a small town in Canada sees a flying object. Part and parcel from my father tokelaun and mum of tuhoe te Arawa subtribes and tribal. Maybe we are aware of so much history and now in the world your veiw is the most calming


Everyone you meet is a mirror to the Self.


i watch many of these videos and many take me deeper into stillness, but this one takes me into whole altered states of consciousness completely, sometimes I think how most of my time is spent dabbling on the surface but the guided meditation takes me into whole new depths, God Bless, Thank you .


I've never heard on teacher say "terminate" the mind. That is not possible, as you assert. They are only trying to get you to do is stop clinging to it for a brief period. That gives you a chance to experience what they are talking about. It's well understood that sometimes people misunderstand this and think the teaching is nihilistic. Emptiness means empty of ego driven thinking, not empty of caring or joy. The ego can produce fear, its main defense. But, find a way you like. That's fine.


I can see someone's concerns and I used to have the same concerns. This type of teachings are not meant to strip one of their uniqueness but to enhance their awareness of love, peace, and looking within for your own truth. It's not dangerous but gives someone only peace and gets rid of the noise of the messy world, of the media, other's chatter from ego long enough to clear the mind to see without confusion and chaos. "You are not going anywhere" he said. The meaning of that is comforting.


I really needed this. My individual “I” really needed this. Thank you Mooji. Thank you for helping me transcend my personal “I” and helping me, and others get back to our universal “I” or back to the realisation that there is no “I” to start with❤️❤️


I agree, the ego is natural, it helps get our physical needs met especially when we are infants.The ego is part of the whole, not split off and separate. We are all whole. Right now. Right here. Modafaks I think that you are much closer to discovering the truth that you are clearly seeking. I encourage you not to give up! You'll be ok. Meet your pain because it is pointing you down a beautiful path. The path that leads to you. And you are beautiful.


the whole truth&nothing but the truth. Wow..So much to absorb, believe & be. thankyou Mooji.


Modafaks, have you listened to Gangaji? She is very gentle. She reassures that the ego is not bad and points down a path away from dualism. You may find her useful. You words are riddled with pain and I hold it with respect. You say you are Croatian and born just before the war. Might you have post-traumatic stress disorder? I feel compassion for you and for your pain. The only war I have ever lived through was the war in my own mind. I hope you find your peace.


Modafaks, I am sorry that you are suffering. I just wanted to acknowledge your pain. Sometimes we are disturbed and uncomfortable with others' expressions of pain. I wish for you to have inner peace and to hold your pain with the utmost gentleness. I don't think most of us can really understand how much a person who is suffering from chemical disturbances in the brain (i.e. depression) feels. It is clear that you are bravely searching for a solution. I hope you find it.


when i first discovered this sort of thing i also had panic attacks...but it wasnt from mooji. I think anxiety and depression can come from hearing about this kind of stuff...because were stuck between dealing with reality and then a 'deeper reality', and its hard to find a medium. I really think mooji is just telling us to practice awareness, which we do all the time and dont really need a teacher for but it just helps sometimes to hear a guided meditation. hes relaxing to listen to for me


Thank you Mooji. This helped me to feel the self in me en made me realise that im not the mind who is making my life so difficult and complicated. There is always my awareness inside of me, that is what it is and not changing because of thoughts or body pains. It is joyfull and loving and just there, this must be it. The self who i am. thank you for being you and helping me to see me. namasté


I felt intense tingling moving around my head going down my spine and then back up to my head. I don’t even think tingling is the right description...Thank you to everyone involved in making this video. Thank you Mooji!


Thanks for your awareness of others much like myself who know you good people exist and that we love to be schooled with these true vibes you select to pass along so gracefully.


You are beyond the intellect, you are but hidden by thought, come forth. Come forth and know true sublime bliss. 


Felt my being so strongly.peaceful experience without mind chattering.Thank you Mooji.
