Proof in the Pudding: Identifying and Measuring Product Metrics for Success | SBW2021

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As a startup founder or product leader, you’ll want to know that your efforts are generating success, right? In both the early and growth stages of a startup, learning what works and what doesn’t work is key to future success. But, we know just how overwhelming it can be when analyzing all parameters which could potentially define the success of the product.

This event is a lightning talk session where founders and product leaders will be answering burning questions such as:

-What parameters should be considered when creating the right metrics for a new product or feature that doesn’t find a parallel in the market?
-What metrics need to be tracked while building the product and when the product is launched, to what extent should you focus on the competitor’s metrics vs. your targets?
-How much data needs to be captured to measure the right set of analytics?
-What are different tools that help track success metrics?

This insightful event is part of the Product and Design Track for Startup Boston Week 2021. We hope you’ll join us!

Startup Boston is rooted in the development and celebration of people who are pushing boundaries, solving tough problems, and asking every day—how might we do this better? Our events are designed to be a platform through which innovators can learn from and challenge one another, build new partnerships, strengthen ties, and celebrate both failure and growth.

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