Different ways to tell if a narcissist is jealous of you | The Narcissists' Code Ep 765

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different ways to tell if a narcissist is jealous of you

Welcome my channel! If this is your first time seeing my face or hearing my voice, my name is Lee and I am a self aware narcissist. I have narcissistic personality disorder ( NPD ) and I've been in therapy for my personality disorder since 2017 and it has definitely changed my life because without it, I would have lost everything.

The point of these videos is to help bring awareness from the other side of the narcissistic *buse spectrum. All my videos give perspective on why many narcissists do what they do and the possible different reasons behind them. The victims and survivors get validation and the Narcissists (those that are willing) get to see that you can get help and that you are not alone.

Thank you so much
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Better believe it! Your job, your home, your vehicle...etc! are jealous of your essence..who you are as a person, your character and your empathy...


Needing to humble someone is weak and tragic. I need to build others up. I don't understand.


The jealousy comes out in passive aggressive sabotage whatever brings you joy, like making you late for an event


It hurts them even more when ur not even in competition with them. When u dont see them as competition. This angers them even more


The sad thing is I’ve been dealing with these kind of ppl and jealous attitudes for so long that I thought this was normal 😢


They are so competative that they are unable of teamwork.


So true, my entire relationship was a competition. They don’t want to partner with you to possibly make something great together. They rather keep their foot on your neck. It’s really makes you look at them with total disgust after awhile.


They make up lies to minimize and it's not their business. They hate you for it . Yes they take credit. They devalue you to feel better about them selves. They are not your friend ever. Sabotage is what they love to do. It sure is on purpose.


My ex told me that he was mistreating me because my accomplishments made him feel inferior, then got angry & said i just wanted him to admit that but wanted me to be patient while he tried to catch up. The brutal discard phase began immediately after that conversation. Then it went back & forth from hate to begging for forgiveness to discard to stalking & threats. It's wild & exhausting.


The ‘covert competing’, ‘humbling you’ and ‘centring themselves’ in my success was a big one for me!


This explains so much Lee. My dad used to ride me about losing weight, when I joined a gym he FREAKED out because why was I spending the money… there was no winning. EVER


My former NARC frenemy (I dumped 10 years ago) announced, during a call, that "everything is a competition". My first thought was "that must be exhausting". Then, I began to recall the slights when I shared successes or when something amazing happened in my life. They were either minimized, or I was told I did not accomplish what I actually had!!! (That was crazy). I wasn't aware of the traits of a narc, then. When I learned, I created great distance between us. I had always been a loyal friend and supported and encouraged this person. Good riddance. DUMP PS understand you may have to "cut" others, you care about, who choose to remain loyal to the NARC.
DSM-5 lists the traits of a NARC.


Mine literally told me he envied the friendships I had and the relationships I was able to cultivate because he had zero friends and no social life whatsoever.


I knew he was jealous! When I bought my first semi for my business and came back with the title the first thing he said was " did you get my name on the title?" Never made a payment, but he expected his name on the title of my truck. Dude is super sad. Its crazy he has been playing this game ( apparently) for years and still lost 😂.


Absolutely. I am dealing with this currently. It's debilitating


I had my own place and care and he was always mad when I said “my car my place” he always say “you think you’re better than me” and I’m like wtf lol it was actually funny but scary being with him because he threatens me. But I got out safely


My Exhusband left at 4am in the morning knowing I had an 8am test in my business class I woke up arguing for 2 hours and took my test and got a C on it will never forget that but still got my BAS and now my MBA. He is my Exhusband and would never ever go back or look back. When I got divorced I cried like a baby I felt finally free even getting my last name back I was so happy I didn’t want to he tied to him at all. Best luck everyone who is dealing or ever dealt with a narcissist


OMG! He was trying to HUMBLE me-that's what it was! Trying to make sure MY ego was in check. That I was a BAD little girl, needed to shut up, follow him, quit having a plan, a vision, a life, an idea, an opinion. I cared about myself and my life TOO much, so I'd better cut it the hell out. Wut? WHY?!


I was quite literally a child and my "Narcissist" verbally said "you cannot compete with me" I remember vividly my first thought was "something is definitely wrong with them." I was in elementary school 👀


“I don’t wanna validate a narcissistic person” this never crossed my mind 🤔😩…. that’s why I’m here
