Do You Have A Picky Eater?

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This is very common in the autism world and I teach other parents and professionals how to deal with picky eating.

#autism #turnautismaround #aba #behavioranalyst #pickyeater
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Here's a list for you: Boy, 5 years old, diagnosed at 2 Low on the Spectrum. Born with Hypotonia (low muscle tone) and completely deaf and ONE fully operational Kidney. Makes lots of "sounds" but still does not talk. Began crawling at 2 yrs. old by "milk bottle on floor" incentive. Received Cochlear implants when 2 yrs. old. Been in ABA since 2. Only fully started walking now for about 8 mos. as he had a foot turned 90% the wrong way and that need special casting for 6 weeks THEN braces for a year to keep it in place and strengthen his ankle. Would not eat chewable food so Mother developed a mixture he will eat: Mashed potatoes with Kerrygold butter, Cooked and mashed lentils, Cooked and mashed Quinoa with Kerrygold, small amounts of ground Turkey, Chicken or Hamburger. This food arrangement is used in different combinations with always the potatoes. Must be mashed and HE WILL NOT CHEW, just tongues it around his mouth and swallows. WILL NOT FEED HIMSELF and ONLY HIS MOTHER can feed him. We have ALL tried many times. ABA can not Feed him, SO basically only 2 meals a day. He is still on bottles for "comfort and some nourishment" (Oatmilk 5 1/2 oz and the rest water about 4X a day). He IS happy "most of the time" unless hungry, dirty diaper (yes, still in diapers!) or bored. He is a Cuddler, flirt and lover! He IS smart, does problem solving, loves music/drums, dances with older sister, loves the outdoors and running. his feeding problems are not what most struggle with. He IS a mess and SO loved.


I suspect she has some type of autism but my husband doesn’t want me to get her tested. I mean, since she was 2 she knew the alphabet; she knew primary colors, she was counting to 20, she knew most of the planets.

But I notice she likes to grab cardstock paper and tear it to little pieces and even flaps the paper back and forth for a few good minutes. She is an extremely picky eater. It’s hard to get her to try any foods that aren’t what she’s used to which I hate to admit is mainly junk food like nuggets, Cheetos, yogurts mixed with pedía sure powders and bread. I cook simple meals for her to try but I get scared trying to force feed her because I don’t want her to see eating as a negative thing. I feel helpless trying to get her to eat foods. 😭
