Farming Guide for 7 Days To Die Version 1.0 & Console

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Welcome to a guide on how farming works in 7 Days To Die version 1.0 on PC and the console PS5 and Xbox editions, in this tutorial we look at some tips and tricks for farming, including the new armor, farm plots, how to craft seeds and how to get the most out of farming.

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7 Days To Die is a crafting, building, tower defense, horde, survival game with a fully destructible world. Let's see what progress we can make in our new series!

#7DaysToDie #V1

All music by NotOnly25
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I miss Farming on the ground, i don't like the farm boxes.


It takes 5 crops to make 1 seed to get 2 crops? Seriously?


As a zombie, I love survivors who are well fed. Yum!


hmmm. I had assumed the armor 100% harvest
'bonus would apply after the living off land bonus, but apparently it doesnt apply to that bonus at all.

Heck it doesnt even apply to the normal 2 crop per plant drop without any LotL.
It should give an extra 2 crops per plant, but only gives 1.

Total waste of resources.
Good to know, I wont waste my time with the farmer armor any more.


People didn’t like farming, so they complained it needed to be nerfed… So TFP have nerfed farming so much, it’s absolutely worthless. Now those same people are complaining that farming is worthless. Those same people want the preacher gloves and stealth armor nerfed. I swear. The 7 days fan base is full of Nancie’s who just like to complain…


For anyone wondering its a 50% chance on player planted crop harvest to get a seed back. If you want to be a farmer its a 7 point dip to be maxed out in living off the land and jts a viable strat early on. Good food has its benefits. This test was ran with 10 crop plots, but for expansion purposes i did the math when this change was first implemented and you only need 8 crop plots to always have a surplus of crops and enough seeds for replanting/expansion. I find 8 is the magic number for 1 person and even with that you end up with more crops than you. The boots are actually the largest benefit as you'll receive on average 1 extra seed when doing a 10 crop run with the quality 6 boots ultimately saving you 5 crops.

That being said, I find that farming is only good and late stage games or in multiplayer environments. And a late stage solo run you cut out the requirement to search for food and if you actually use super corn to create glue, you no longer have to search for glue and the same can be said for cloth if you grow cotton. For a group game it means that your minors are less likely to starve and your people going out can just eat the food they collect without actually having to use any supply from the home base. But itll take about a week to get a good sized farm growing depending on you luck with getting crops/seeds and the books for crafting seeds.


Super corn sells for 7500 dukes per stack (veggies stack to 125). Which is the main reason you grow it!

That's without any barter perks! So far super corn is the highest profit thing I've found since 1.0 dropped. Nothing stacks the cash like 50 farm plots of super corn!

Also, if you see a bobs boars, you can often double loot the super corn as it's a T3 quest. Seriously an underrated crop just because of the vendor value.


TFP did their normal "people are enjoying this feature...lets ruin it" with farming. Instead of making it a fun and rewarding aspect to the game that gives you obvious benefits, nope they once again made it tedius to the point where most don't even bother with it.


Also, don't forget the Seed is a %chance to get them. The gear increases the chance of course. I've actually ran full line like that and only got like 1 seed before and other's upwards 10 seeds.


The non powered draw bridges sell for 5k and their really cheap just mainly mechanical parts springs and forged iron and one more thing super cheap for lots of cash


NDC Checkpoint 3 also has a super corn stash


Excellent advice/suggestions. My one question is 'where is Johnnytown on the base Navezgane map?' I think it's still in the desert, and I think it's WAY off to the east, but I'm not sure. Any ideas?


Fantastic guide! I've been using the bone knife tip for ages too!


Did you happen to mention how long it takes for a plant to fully mature and if there's a difference between plants And how long it takes for them to mature?


Why would they change it, it was so much better before. Now it’s garbage. This is dumb


Bob's Boars basement has sacks and sacks of corn seed and 3 pigs you can kill for meat, the whole POI has 8 or 9 pigs, plus a little extra (I won't plot spoil for new players, but vets will know what I mean). If you can handle the pigs very early game, then raiding just the cellar can resolve starvation issues. And are there also farming plots on the same POI? (I know there are trees in raised borders but can't remember if those are plots). If there are, all that seed plus plots to grow them in with the lotl level 1 perk is gonna give you a LOT of corncobs, probably enough to get you through that very early game subsistence battle. Now you just need a cooking pot so you can boil scavenged murky water... and yes, there's also a cooking pot in Bob's kitchen (I think it's there irrespective of your loot stage). Good ol Bob, he really did take care of his fellow man!


So, bottom line, max Living off the Land and don't bother crafting low tier Farmer gear.


Farming is completely broken. You move backwards and end up with less veggies even with skill points in farming.


Looks like farming sucks so much huh, farm boxes wastes so much materials to make, seeds are too much of a hassle to create, you'll have to waste so much skill points just to get a positive out of farming, any lvl farmer armor doesn't make much difference to yield.


Thank you for doing this! I was going to test farming myself but you nailed it!
