Butcher's NEW Powers Revealed & 3 HUGE Deaths Coming! The Boys Season 4 Episode 6 Breakdown!

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Recently The Boys has been foreshadowing and teasing a lot of how certain characters stories will end in season 4 and the final season. Right now the show is making it almost too obvious that A-Train will die! With him getting much more screentime and redeeming himself recently. He may be in for a fate with Homelander. And of course Billy Butcher having recently gained a new unknown power from the temp v in his brain, not only advancing how he thinks and feels but giving him a new power that saves him. Here's what I think Billy Butcher's powers are.

In this video I breakdown my thoughts and reaction to The Boys season 4 episode 7 and also talk about what I think will happen in The Boys season 4 episode 8 with theories of which characters could die and what they could do, episode 8 and how the show will ultimately end! With Homelander about to finally break! I think Homelander and Butcher may be on the road to getting similar fates to the comics with Hughie.

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Who do YOU think will die? How do you think the show will end? Let me know what you think down below!

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A-Train saving Annie would literally complete his character arc. He killed huey girlfriend and then saved her. That would make his death 10x sadder


The a train scene with the kid made me smile so hard, it was so wholesome... *sigh*
He's gunna die.


bringing the idea that A-Train will be the leader of future soups who actually be good sounds interesting.. now I'm not sure if he's gonna die


Man butcher has been that 80% vile bad character while barely having that last 20% be decent.. id like to see him go out w a bang... fighting whoever he has too but dying while saving hughie, or even starlight, doing one last bit to show he does care about all the boys even tho he can't and won't ever say it.


My assumption was that sage got MM to shoot so she’d have deniability for fucking up that night


If A-Train Actually SURVIVES the Whole Show Then This can Break The Matrix


There is a BIG reason why they hired a double black noir rather than finding someone new like any other memeber of the 7.
Noirs ability to recover from anything thats damaged him makes me feel like Vought are secretly doing things to him to both revive and improve him until he is ready to go back into the field.


Sage is going to be the one who saves Butcher from dying from that tumor. She's already mentioned she created a cure for cancer to save her grandmother. I guarantee you Sage isn't going to be safe around Homelander and she's going to cure Butcher for protection.


A train doesn't die, he runs away and comes back at the end, ashley takes compound v and loses her skin


I miss those Frenchie "Aha" moments where he has a revelation on how to solve the current problem. (ex: when the turtle documentary gives him the inspiration for the ass-bomb in season 1, and also when he figures out what the Russians used to put solider boy to sleep in season 3)
Now he's just a walking soap opera.


I hope A train tells homelander "catch me of you can" right before homelander lasers his legs off


The negan introduction music was perfect at the start.


I think Hughie is going to take over as leader of the boys after he comes to terms with his father's death, and probably Robin's too if A-Train dies doing something good or becomes a better person. It would be kinda sick if Hughie slowly turns into a morally sound Butcher.


Bro thst one line you caught with sage saying she can cure cancer got my hopes up. Whst if she offers and billy refuses then goes full venom.


A train gonna save Annie from the deep, he’s also gonna try and save Ashley before running off somewhere but he survives


3:56 i was thinking the same thing, I wonder if they are gonna have butcher's tumor become like an adaptation of venom and then he'll be able to go toe to toe with homelander in some big final fight


Butcher really has an angel and devil on his shoulders like he's in a cartoon.


Nah I think Butcher will kill Neuman and Hughie will beg him not to. And that'll be why he separates from Butcher


The most impressive thing about The Boys is just how good these actors are. They were just damn good!
