How To Know When A Man Can't Commit

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Today's tutorial video shares nine overlooked behaviors of men who can't commit.
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1. He's inconsistent with his pursuit of you.
2. He hasn't figured out what his mission is.
3. He consistently runs away, especially in times of stress.
4. He doesn't follow through with his words (or lies)
5. He is defensive when you confront him with the truth.
6. He leaves you out of his future plans and goals.
7. He fails to stand up to his family on your behalf.
8. He has double standards.
9. He can't stand his ground and can't say no to you.


Your first video I applaud. Pay attention ladies especially no. 3 - he runs away from stress, fear, conflict etc. Many women excuse this and think they need to be strong. Please don't be mistaken, he's absolutely of weak character.


This is 100% accurate! I wish I had watched your videos before getting into any of my past relationships, even my current one.


Girls. Memorize, Bookmark, Save, do whatever you need so that you remember and identify these signs next time you connect with someone. I mean, I was thinking of my relationships while listening to this video and in hindsight...OH MY GOD! At least one of the signs in every single one...! Bern, thank you once again.


Truly one of the top relationship coaches on YouTube


Love you to the next galaxy and back. You are the best introspective, intuitive, insightful, down to earth relationship coach out in the entire internet. No gimmicks, no excessive flowery speeches, etc.God Bless you as you are helping thousands of women navigate in understanding men and saving us from unnecessary pain.❤


More women need to wake up to this TRUTH, Bern.

Women waste time on men who can't or won't commit and then women complain about wasting their time on a guy.

Women needs to start taking personal responsibility on the part they played in every relationship.


Another great vid and so absolutely true. I love the way you are just a straight up guy. I have been dealing with a non committal for almost 2.5 years. Finally just walked away so heart breaking but necessary for me. Thank you ❤


You are so smart. I liked that last item you mentioned. The pleaser guy will never commit.


☺ 9 ways on how to know if a man cannot commit:
1. He is inconsistent in his pursuit of you or not pursuing at all (You show up and connect with him in order for him to pursue you)
2. He hasn't figured out his mission in life and isn't searching to find it
3. He CONSISTENTLY runs away or shuts down in times of stress (live long commitment will be hard for him to do)
4. He does not follow through his words or lies (He does without feeling remorse)
5. He reacts MOSTLY defensively when you confront him with truth (instead of taking ownership of the problem and facing it) In this case Run for the forest people 😄!
6. He leaves you out of his future plans and goals (after a few weeks or a few months he should bring on his own)
7. He fails to stand up to his family on your behalf
8. He has a higher standard for your behaviour than his own
9. He can't stand his grounds to say no to you when he needs to (a people pleaser will have a hard time to commit to you for a long time)

Thank you so much Bren for your advice! ❤❤


This video is on time 👌✋ i have to wake up now, wasting alot of time .. my advise to everyone from my experinse do not give excuses for who not deserve it ..i appreciate you i'm from egypt ..keep going 💓


Yeah, I think it’s time I just join a nunnery 😂


I’m so glad I found this video. His 43, alcoholic stoner with no licence and depressed. Reckons he is in a mid life crisis.


Hi Bern! So true, am gal who’s looking for a guy who can say ‘No’ to me and put me in my place, with loving kindness and life-long devotion. A healthy sparring partner is what am looking for. In my fam we’ve never been big on hugs or saying ily at the end of every phone call, so l feel more comfortable with a bit if toughness in life. Bern, this vid hit the nail on every head, the ‘tell little lies” one is so on point;) Thank you as always for sharing our infinite wisdom, Hugs from Canada


Bern, Bern, Bern you've done it again. This is what I needed.


You look very nice in this video! I like this new lighting and background 😌
And light blue is definitely a good color on you 👌🏼


I really like this new look and studio. You look hawt in that shirt, Bern! ×


After going through a lot, I have come to feel what having standards is like. And it's not just with men, it's everybody. I feel repulsed by people who aren't self aware or who won't learn from their mistakes because they won't acknowledge they made one in the firat place, if they can't apologize and actively seek ways to make it better, they're no good for me. That is my strongest boundary for now. Maybe I should include some of the other 8 too! Thanks for the great video.


Good vital information, Actions speak louder than


You should do a video on narcissists regarding all of this. They are much better at manipulating and hiding their true intentions than other people. Also gas lighting.
