11 Best Flowers to Grow in a Vegetable Garden

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Flowers can make your vegetable garden much more beautiful, productive, and fun! Here's my cheatsheet for the best flowers to add to your raised beds each growing season.

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I add some sweet alyssum as well, so pretty and they smell soooo lovely! Great for bringing in pollinators 😁


Love the Borage also. Such a beautiful blue flower attracts bees and is totally edible.


Violas, pansies, calendula, snapdragons, marigold & salvia come back every year in zone 8.


Im doing this method for the first time ever, thank you! Im in northern California where it gets up to 120 and 10% humidity, sizzling hot and bone dry and im trying to keep the surfaces of my beds covered!


I own both those books! I’ve finished Leaves Roots and Fruit (loved it), and am reading Kitchen Garden Revival now ❤ I’m so excited to hear there is another one in the works!! 😆


I love including flowering plants in my gardens - it's my favorite part of the garden because it looks beautiful and I'm all about that :) I didn't know the plant angelonia though - that's a new one to me and I'm going to be on the lookout for them now. When I'd see them in your garden pictures I thought they were snapdragons, but they are different than the snapdragons I had always known. In my garden I love using these flowers, they work well for me here in central MI: lemon gem marigolds, nasturtiums, calendula, chamomile, sweet alyssum, borage, annual dianthus, phacelia, bachelors buttons, red & crimson clovers (they are edible and are nitrogen fixing), cosmos & zinnia's (I plant these amongst the kale and collards because they are similarly tall. I heard someone say once that zinnia's need to be planted with tomatoes because they are "lovers" and so I do that too with the tall ones). I also love to use Lemon Queen sunflowers and plant them in front of each side of my arbor because they just add so much to the look of the garden and help to cover the rough edges of my cattle panel arbor. By the end of the summer my pole beans are growing up them and that's cool too. This year I'm going to try growing sweet peas up my arbor with my cucumbers and pole beans, I want to see what they will do.

I also like to use herbs for their flowers in the garden esp. lavender, chives, thyme, marjoram, cilantro, sage & clary sage, dill, fennel and basil - I love to include two African Blue basil's because of the dramatic display of flowers. They attract more beneficial insects than ANYTHING else in my garden, hands down, however I do plant them in pots just outside of the veg bed though because they grow very large and bushy and attract tons of bees :) I also plant perennial mints (lemon balm, peppermint, etc.) for their flowers but NOT in my garden - that includes oregano. I plant them only in pots that I place around the perimeter of the garden.


Thank you, Christ Jesus for each gift you have availed me. Thank you for answering my quest for discernment and the strength to hear and see the results. Thank you for your guidance and each step. Yours. ❤


Phacelia aka purple tansy or fiddlehead flower too


Greetings from NC. Excellent teachings throughly enjoyed the message. Abundant blessing to you and your loved ones.


Hi Nicole, when you are using Chamomile in your kitchen gardens do you prefer to use Roman or German or both?


Thanks for letting us know about nasturtium being a trap crop. I have them all over my beds thinking they repel bugs. Wow, I am going to pull them out in the morning!


Could you maybe add the Celcius scale some time for your international viewers please? ♡


How to grow marigolds plants and when to water them


Native for my town/area are pine trees. And some grass and dandilions maybe!! 😂


Texas-I love putting in the tall zinnias in with the taller plants. Their colors mixed in are just gorgeous. I do put the little zinnias around the borders sometimes but they seem to get diseased quickly and never end up looking good.
I don’t like marigolds but use them regardless just incase they do help my tomatoes. Nasturtiums only work here if we have a cooler spring. They die in May. I NEVER put sunflowers in my beds because they attract the bad guys. I put them about 8’ away. The only perennial flower in my bed is yarrow. The roots outgrew all my large containers.
Just my opinion-I like your videos because you are a rule breaker and I respect that but my least favorite videos are these when you’re sitting with a mic. Not an appealing visual
of a wall … much prefer when you’re outside. 🙂 No offense meant, just a viewpoint from a subscriber.
