Clip Studio - How to Animate Like a PRO - 2D Animation in CSP (Beginners Tutorial Guide)

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Animation Post Production like a PRO (Beginner Friendly):

In this video I will show you how to animate in Clip Studio Paint. From the best industry practices to the secrets of the animation folders and the interpolation tool. I hope you can tell all the love that went into making this video. Can’t wait to see what you will create with it!


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Software used: Clip Studio Paint EX

DISCLAIMER: This video is NOT sponsored. Some product links are affiliate links which means if you buy something, we'll receive a small commission.

00:00 Introduction
00:34 Overview of the Animation Preset
03:45 Animation Timeline
04:34 Animation Folder Basics
06:03 What we are Animating
06:44 Vector vs Raster/Bitmap Layers
07:52 Keep it Ordered
09:31 Naming Layers Workflow
11:51 Onion Skin Tool
12:28 Animating
14:53 Rough Animation to CleanUp
15:25 Using Animation Folders like a PRO
21:09 Playback Settings
22:06 Inbetweening
23:12 Coloring
25:30 Post-Production
27:28 Interpolation in Clip Studio
30:07 Exporting Options
33:46 Outro


Remember: "Every line you draw, you are one line closer to your dream!"
Thanks for watching!
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Animation Post Production like a PRO (Beginner Friendly):

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I've tried to watch several CSP animation tutorials in the past but always found them either unclear or otherwise not streamlined enough to stay focused on. This one though....Is amazing! For the first time it makes sense to me. Thank you!


Man they REALLY need to get you featured on the official CSP Animation tutorial playlist! Maybe then your useful tips will be more widely-known to people


a good artist is one thing, and a good teacher is another.
and you my friend, you are bloody great at being both. this is really damn easy to follow, compared to the 4 previous csp animation tutorials ive seen.


The fact that you did this tutorial on an actual animation instead of a classic exercise highlights the humongous amount of work and dedication that came into this video! Never thought of separating all colors on different folders. Gonna try it!


Hi guys! One detail I forgot to explain is how to combine 2 layers in the timeline.
For example if you want to reuse part of a drawing, like copying face you already drew, pasting it to a new body in another layer.

The way you would do this is using the normal folders trick that I explained. You just place both layers into a normal folder, and make that folder appear in the timeline (by right clicking in the timeline and selecting the folder's name). Then you right click on the folder and merge it down into a single layer. It works for 2 or more layers.

Thanks for watching!


I know this video is 2 years old, but DANG! I came just to learn the layout, but the ability to lock a layer to a color is such a time saver for my art style. So many great tips, appreciate it


Awesome style! Really looking forward to seeing more of your stuff :)


Hi guys! If you found this video helpful I would really appreciate if you can check out the written version of this tutorial!

It is participating in this month’s CSP Tips contest and it is a competition based on how many likes and views it gets (our favorite type of contest, I know…. haha)

EDIT: WE WON! Thank you so much for all your help guys!!
Right now thankfully I have my living expenses covered, so All earnings will be used to start building a team to make this channel grow, that way I can hopefully bring more content to you faster!

Thanks for watching!


In 5 minutes you solved 3 of my Clip Studio Animation problems; 2 of which I’d given up on finding tutorials for. You’re a life saver!


I remembered joining your webinar from CSP back then and always wanted to try animating in CSP but I get so lost everytime I opened the timeline and the folders. Found this earlier and thought "hey it's the same person as the one who held webinar back then!"
You've explained everything so well for beginners and I'd love to try animating with CSP sometimes in the future. Thank you so much!


This is a great tutorial! Clear, enthusiastic, and easy to understand. Also, that new intro looks pretty slick!


I’m completely new to clip studio animating, and holy shit was this the most detailed, clarified and concise rate tutorial I’ve seen, and I’m not shitting when I say I’ve watched many tutorials over the past week. I genuinely hope more people recognise your talent of explaining/creating things, because it’s literally amazing. Good job mate 👍🏼👍🏼


I’ve watched SO many CSP animation tutorials and this is BY FAR the most helpful, clear, and succinct. Manu explains what to do, how to do it, and why to do it. Seriously, thank you for making this it will be a touchstone video for me!


Have to say, you are the only one so far, thank you for taking the time to shiw where the tools you are talking about are located!!!! Most tutorials I find assume you already know all the shortcuts and what they are called. Great tutorial and a million thanks!!!!❤❤❤


Been getting into animation for few months but this tutorial has been helpful still watching it. One of the best! Really clear and to the point! Love how you explain how it works makes me understand it a bit more


I personally still have no idea what’s going on.

I feel really bad that I fail to understand the most well received, detailed csp tutorial out there because of how many people found it to be a life saver. I rewatched it a bunch of times to try and get something to stick, but I failed to grasp most of it. It’s not a bad tutorial, not at all, but I still have a hard time understanding anything about using this program. I really want to use this program, but it seems extremely alien to me no matter how much I try to learn about it.


Thank you for this video, seriously, it's one of the most comprehensive animation in CSP tutorials I've watched and is helping me a lot!


I have never seen a more helpful tutorial than this one! Thank you so much for your hard work! You explain so many things that I never understood from other videos!! Now on to animating! :D


I saw your aniamted short film and I'm so blown away with how good it is! Been wanting to replicate those camera movements as well, and your video has helped me on how it can be pulled off! Also, one thing that has helped me way too much for animating are vector layers. It's helped me so much with the lineart and coloring, since area scaling sometimes bleed past the linework.
