Lecture #3 part3: Public Key Cryptography 101: A Brief Introduction | Joseph H. Silverman

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Series of lectures on the Introduction to Lattices, Lattice Reduction, and Lattice-Based Cryptography. Lecture #3: Public Key Cryptography 101: A Brief Introduction

A lattice is a discrete subgroup of R^n. We will discuss the theory of lattices and describe how they have been used to construct practical public key cryptosystems and digital signature schemes that are, at least presently, secure against attacks by quantum computers.

Lecture #1: Lattices and Hard Lattice Problems.
Lecture #2: Lattice Reduction: Solving(?) Hard Lattice Problems.
Lecture #3: Public Key Cryptography 101: A Brief Introduction.
Lecture #4: Lattice-Based Public Key Cryptosystems.
Lecture #5: Lattice-Based Digital Signatures and Rejection Sampling.

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