Open-Theism Is Heresy

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#heresy #sermon #preaching
Keywords: theology, reformed theology, preaching, sermon clip, sermon, preach, the gospel, Christianity, Christian, reformed, preaching clip
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So was the determinism that Augustine introduced into mainstream Christian theism in the 5th century, which has its roots in Stoicism, neo-platonism, Gnosticism, and manichaeism. Yet, strangely you do not speak against these heresies because to do so would speak against Calvinism's creator, Augustine.


Joel... what are you doing? You've attacked the very foundation of your own system, Calvinism - which begins with an open premise. You've abandoned both orthodox Christianity and even historic Calvinism in a denial of God's freedom... though you likely did this unintentionally.

Call out Process Theism, cool... but calling Molinism and Open Theism heresy is laughable.

I cordially invite you to come on the program and discuss this.


God foreordained Open Theism for his glory before the world began. Prove me wrong!


Heresy? Scientists struggle to define time. Philosophers have difficulties trying to understand what it even is. Yet those who see God's relation to it in a different light than you do are heretics? Who gave you the right to condemn those who trust in Christ simply because they understand Scripture differently than you do? Do any of us know the mind of God? I think it would be arrogant for any of us to pretend that we do. So then my brother, my advice would be for you to come down off of the judgement throne and give it back to its rightful Owner. Peace.


Believing God decrees all evil is a much bigger heresy than open theism could ever imagine. Open Theism says the Future does not yet exist.


When you use the word "heresy" do you mean that those people are not saved? I don't think I agree with any of the ideas you're criticizing but I wouldn't go so far as to call them heresy (if by "heresy" you mean "false gospel"). People used to start crusades over accusations of heresy. It's hardly a word you should throw around. I don't think you have to have good theology to be a Christian. What matters most is faith in Christ!


Debate an open theist then. It will not go well for you if scripture is your authority.


Lol this is so embarrassing. When you're critiquing open theism and don't even know what it is so you conflate middle knowledge (Molinism) with open theism. Sit this one out buddy, you're way in over your head.


I think lumping "middle knowledge" in this talk was a mistake. Molinism is not at all like open theism.


Yes open theism is “beyond the bounds” of orthodoxy. They believe God is essentially a bigger better human - he learns every day and experiences change, he suffers disappointment and grief, is surprised by things…etc. Its a different religion and is a hair breadth away from process theology.


Don't all covenants appear that way to God?


Why does he talk that way. Talk normal.


Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me his prisoner: but be thou partaker of the afflictions of the gospel according to the power of God; [9] Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was GIVEN US in Christ Jesus BEFORE the world began,
2 Tim 1:8-9


You really don’t know what God did in eternity past, in the Council of God and have no scripture.I’m a provisionist which means God knows the future, but we also believe that God relates to man in real time, and answers prayer, as a Father takes care of his children and loves them and wants a relationship with us. I never hear you mention Our Father having love for us. Open theists affirm and believe that Jesus died for them and rose again. Open Theists are not heretics. God repents, relents of this he was going to do based on peoples responses to Him. Nineveh is going to be destroyed in 40 days! Jonah said. When the Ninevites repented, in sackcloth and ashes God had compassion and repented from what he was going to do. Not heresy!


Aren’t You preaching it by singling out the “redemptive covenant” on some covenantal timeline?
God’s covenantS are eternal, period….ALL OF THEM….based on the rest of Your Own points.


There are different opinions among the open theists, but not all of their ideas are heretical. Some have wrong ideas that are found in process theology. However, they are right about one thing, namely, that God, in giving rational creatures the power of agency, to make free will choices, He has limited His foreknowledge to some extent. He does not know, before a person comes into existence, all the thoughts and choices that person will have and do. Scripture tells us that God observes people during their lives to see into their hearts and minds to know what they are going to do. Nowhere in Scripture does it say God, before He created us, knew our every thought and inclination. If you say God knew all our thoughts and actions "from all eternity", that makes them as eternal as God. If God knew every sin and evil "from all eternity", that makes evil as eternal as God. God changed His mind about Saul's being king, and He changed His mind about when King Hezekiah would die. That is, the unchanging God does alter His intentions towards us depending on how we respond, or fail to respond, to Him and His purposes. God told Hezekiah He was going to end his life shortly, but when Hezekiah prayed, He ADDED 15 years to his life. So, the date of Hezekiah's death was not predetermined "from all eternity". Some things God does leave open.


This guy doesn’t really think through the things he says.
