Tips from a cleaning expert on how to disinfect your home

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With schools suspended and more people working from home, it is important to effectively disinfect our homes. What''s the best way to do it, and which surfaces should you target? Formosa News reporter Stephany Yang speaks to a cleaning expert to find out how to effectively sanitize your home.

The cleaning expert?recommends disinfecting things that we frequently touch. That includes doorknobs, intercoms, light switches, phones,?faucets, toilets, sinks, remotes, and children’s toys. It''s also important to wash our clothes immediately after going home.

Endn Wang
Cleaning expert
How do we carry out disinfection at home? We have to prepare rags, alcohol, and general disinfectants. Everyone touches the handles of doors at home. We should disinfect such surfaces more frequently. Spray alcohol on the rag, and wipe it like this. In addition to washing hands and clothes frequently, remember to change your clothes frequently.

What are some things to keep in mind while disinfecting? First, spray the disinfectant on the cloth and not on the object you''re cleaning, because the product could ruin the surface.

Endn Wang
Cleaning expert
What are the precautions to take? Do not spray alcohol directly on the furniture, or wood, or paint. After cleaning, you can boil the rag to completely eliminate the germs.

Once you return home, it''s also important to clean your glasses or goggles thoroughly with soap and water instead of using alcohol.

Endn Wang
Cleaning expert
After you get home, take your goggles and glasses or any such equipment and clean them with soap and water. Then wipe them clean. Don’t spray alcohol-based disinfectant on glasses or goggles.

As for disinfecting mobile phones, U.S. tech company Apple advises using a soft, lint-free cloth to clean screens. Avoid using paper fabric that is abrasive such as paper towels. The cleaning expert reminds people not to spray alcohol directly on the phone.

Endn Wang
Cleaning expert
Always clean the screen and other places that your hand touches. Likewise, give the rag light spray, then wipe it down. Note that if you directly spray alcohol on the phone, you may cause some damage.

With the pandemic ongoing, disinfection and social distancing are small steps that we can all take daily to combat the spread of the coronavirus.
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