Portable Washer for apartments

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Do apt washers actually work well compared to a regular washing machine. Find out which small washer is the best over my testing over the next few weeks. This washer does not have a pump because it's made to sit in the bottom of a shower or outside on the ground. they do sell some with a pump so you can pump them into a sync when they need to drain. But if you are planning on just using it in your shower this one will work just fine and you can save some money
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Had one of these when I was in my apartment over COVID. Game changer. Paid for itself in a few months as I didn't need the laundromat in the building. Totally worth it.


I found one of these at a thrift store for 20 bucks. Best $20 I ever spent.


I used one of these at my first apartment. The apartment complex had a washer and dryer but it was about $5 a load and I was broke broke. I got the washer as a Christmas gift and loved it.


Please be careful with that power cord in the shower pan. Or more so the point where the power cord meets the machine.
I blew out the power in my apartment building 😳(oops sorry everyone).

Thankfully there was a circuit breaker installed and once I disconnected the washer from the power I was able to reset the breaker.
I’m just mentioning it because you know how much you have your arms in and out of the water with these machines.

I’m just so glad that the circuit breaker in my building was so fast. If there hadn’t been a breaker I wouldn’t be here today to watch your wonderful videos ❤


I've had mine for almost 2 years now and love it. The newer full sized machines with no agitator can not compare!


I have one from Magic Chef, it bigger than the one shown. I think it cost $250, I bought it during the covid lockdown. I absolutely love it. And yes, it spins so well that clothes are dry overnight.


The dude is speaking the truth. Wife and I had one of these in our first apartment.

You'll have to do more loads because the capacity, especially for the spin dryer, is significantly lower. But the loada are also much quicker too. You'll also have to hang dry your clothes for a night or so like he says. But we still opted for this over the laundromat down the street. Not only is it cheaper in the long run, but a few more minutes passively in my home where I can work on my hobbies or housework is much better than having to hang out in the laundromat for nearly the same time.


I bought one for a friend who was spending so much on laundry. She loved it! The machine got all her workout clothes clean. She just put up a laundry rack in her bathroom let the clothes air dry.


I’ve had mine for 6 yrs now, and honestly for a family of 4 in apt living what a life saver this machine has been!! I put mine right in tub and I fill in up and another bucket next to it for quick fill up when transferring cloths over to spin dry!! $125 from Home Depot was the best!! I also bought a panda dryer and I have it right on movable island Next to microwave. They are the 2 best purchases I’ve even made for living in an apartment!! Also to clean washing machine tubes I put toilet bombs and denture tables from dollar tree and let it sit in washing machine with extra hot water and then drain it like normal! Also instead of fabric softer liquid I use vinegar it’s better on clothes/fabrics and helps tubes not get yucky!


My wife and I love ours. Bought a couple drying racks. They're clean and dry in a couple hours.


I have this exact one from Amazon. And it does work pretty good


The first apartment by boyfriend and I got had no washer or drier. It was 45 minutes to the laundromat and we just didn’t have the money to support those trips every 2-3 days. We found a small electric washer on Amazon, it was about 10 gallons, it had a “drying”
Feature with a small bucket to spin the clothes but it simply wasn’t enough to dry the clothes fully so I found some old yarn in my craft drawer and made clothing lines in the corner of our apartment. It looked a little janky but it worked for us!


Gave one to my sister for Christmas.

She used to use these for washing baby clothes & it does work well.


I had one of those in the 80's when I was piss broke and in college. Worked like a charm and saved me a ton of money. Oh, I took out a student loan and bought a carpet cleaning machine. Paid a lot of bills.


Had one in the 90's for an efficiency apartment - game changer. Recently bought another for an RV - went with a major brand since I knew was a keeper


I’m very happy with mine! Bought it on Facebook Marketplace for $40 about three years ago. Still works great.

Just be careful with T-shirt’s, because sometimes, the strong motor can stretch out the collars a bit. Does a great job on denim!


I am 6 years into using mine. The only thing I hate about it is that it doesnt fit my duvet cover, which needs to be washed frequently due to allergies. Takes my sheets without any problem though! My flat is only 250sqft, so there's no option for a regular sized washer at all (tumble dryers are quite rare where I live). Even having to go take the bedding to a washsalon, this has seriously cut down my expenses and the time suck of sitting at the washsalon. Yeah, things are "manual" but once you turn it on you can walk away and do other things like clean the kitchen or play nintendo. Even in my tiny place, mine isn't so loud to be disturbing. I really really recommend one of these for anyone without the hookups for standard washer/dryer. If you are mindful of how it's supposed to be used and keep it clean, it's truly a good investment!


They work wonderfully saved me so much time and money living in an apartment


I used one of those in the 90s when I lived in Thailand. In fact these washers were the only ones available. They work pretty well! Even with cold water water. The detergent does all the trickery.


I got one of these little washers. It saved me so much money and time not having to go to the laundromat so much. I love it!
