Portable Foldable Mini Washing Machine Review

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Great review and very insightful. I really like this for "gross" laundry that I really don't want to cross-contaminate with regular laundry, such as the towels I use to wash my car, or my floor mop pads. For anyone who's asking: it holds about 8L (2 gal) of water.


I have one for my appartement. Its not going to eliminate my need to pay to do laundry in my buildings laundry room but it saves me spending 2.50 on loads of delicates, kitchen towels, re-usable masks and other small items. I'm happy with it. It does not dry things. It kind of spins some water out, the spinner works better if you remove all the cloths (I put mine in a bucket) and then just spin 2-4 items at a time. If you don't balance it, it will rock around.


Thank for getting STRAIGHT TO THE POINT! Excellent video🎉


Fantastic review! You filled in all the gaps of every ad I've seen for this and answered all of my questions is under 3 min - great job!! My guess about the power cord being shorter than you would prefer it to be is... safety (1) reduces tripping hazard and (2) reduce changes of electrocution if device was running in bathtub and the faucet is turned on.


They make some cool things in China. This is so awesome. Affordable for everyone and such a needed concept.


Apt, crisp, succinct review which could explain everything in less than 3 min unlike those long videos which one is just forced to turn off as they go on & on. Many Thanks!


Great video and good idea of filling from bath tab. Only worry is the danger of getting the power socket/lead wet.


I just bought mine and I can’t wait to try it out. My side of the house doesn’t really have a lot of power so it’s nice that it doesn’t take a lot of electricity.


I’m just using mine for the first time. Can’t remember where I got it, probably TEMU, but not for the price I’ve seen it at today! I love it for small amounts that I wouldn’t put the washer on for. Love the video.


Thanks for the video, it helped a lot! I keep mine near the sink cause there’s a plug handy for when it’s washing. Doesn’t solve the issue of wringing out bigger items but it beats doing it in the sink.


Thanks, been curious about these things because I don't like leaving my running/cycling clothes soaked with sweat when I come home, but often won't have enough to justify the full-size machine. I've thought these would be great to just immediately wash stuff I've only worn for an hour, so my clothes don't start to stink or get stained while waiting til full wash day. It looks a great concept, but I foresee some pitfalls that you didn't mention. It seems you have to manually drain/fill and run again to get a sort of a rinse cycle to get the soap out? And no spin cycle either which will mean it takes a lot longer to dry - okay if you can hang them outdoors in warmer months, But a pain in the arris if you have to use a wire clothes horse / airer indoors as you'll get puddles on the floor, and stuff won't likely dry overnight in cooler weather without help of a dehumidifier or something. If they'll stay wet a longer time they risk starting to smell anyway, that's not much different to just hanging the sweaty clothing out to dry and then putting them in the regular wash pile. Overall I think this is only half a solution. Perhaps need to add a portable clothes roller to help ring them out like on the washing machines my mum and her friends had during my childhood.


I'm just wondering when they will make a dryer to match?
I've just bought 2 of these on temu and I can not wait for them to arrive so I can try them out 😊


Thank you! Great review. I'm looking into buying one for my daughter for emergency laundry because clothes sometimes stain if you don't wash them soon enough. she's living out of town and she's not going to drive in to wash one shirt


Hi great video, 1 question, could this wash a standard size bed sheet


I’m trying mine now. I didn’t get hangers though 😢 I did get a basket, which you didn’t display so maybe they come in different models?? Lol. Anyway, I’m only wishing they had better instructions, like how much water and detergent to use and what about rinsing?
Great video! Thank you!


Got mine of Temu for £3 or around $4 delivered on offer. Uses about 15w intermittently of energy so I actually powered mine from a solar power bank.

Essentially even with a small portable solar setup, you could run this all day putting clothes in and out of the bucket as you wish and adding them to a washing line.

It’s main drawback is that it leaks if you put too much in. They do also sell the agitator on its own so you can add it to any bucket, sink or bath.


Amy top loader has minimum mechanical action for washing . Always use liquid detergent if you can have hot water as power doesn’t dissolve very well in leads than 60deg


How long has everybody here had one of these, how often do they use it and is it still working? I absolutely love this and use it almost daily but it has some serious leakage issues - inside and out. In less than two months I've just ordered my 3rd one because the first one is dead and the second one is on it's way out. If I didn't love it so much I'd have given up. Gonna be some serious McGyvering going on when I get the 3rd one and before I use it. If this one dies I will give up. What a shame. This could be an awesome machine with a few simple improvements.


Power bills reduction up to 90% if you compare it to kitchen size washing machine.


Thank you. What brand or name etc ?
Thanks 🙏🏽
