Email Deliverability: What is Email Deliverability?

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Evaluate the quality of the routing of your messages

The deliverability of the sent messages of a mailing campaign represents an important quality criterion. This allows people to assess their technical ability to route to effectively reach prospects. This has a direct impact on the profitability of this marketing channel.
A performance indicator of a professional mailing

The deliverability of an email corresponds to an essential concept of electronic marketing: it quantifies the number of emails actually received in the recipients' inbox and evaluates the routing conditions. The latter must consider normal delays in the transmission of the complete message. This commonly translates as transit time or error statistics, with some more advanced indicators even evaluating the actual readings from different leads.

Being complex, deliverability is based on internal and external factors, often technical, and can permanently impact the marketing effectiveness and reputation of the issuing company.
Deliverability, a technical and economic matter

This notion highlights the adaptation of mailing solutions to the technical restrictions imposed by internet providers to regulate the sending of messages en masse. It also highlights the quality of the contact base and the control of the communication codes of the moment.

This indicator is important to calculate the financial effectiveness and profitability of the campaign. This commonly integrates the quality of purchased files: every error in the distribution of the message negatively affects the return on investment of the campaign. Being considered spam, the prospect will no longer have continuous access to subsequent company campaigns.

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