What Makes A Great Programmer? 10 Characteristics

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In this video we will look at some common characteristic traits that many great programmers have in common

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Рекомендации по теме

- Having patience
- Being a problem solver
- Passion for what you do
- Love of learning
- Being a team players
- Not being arrogant
- Being proud of your work
- Good Time/Task management
- Having good focus
- Listen to other


#6 is my favorite of the list... I hate people who are arrogant and make people feel dumb for no reason


Brad! Just wanna say really big thank you! Thanks to your lessons I found a job as full-stack (MERN) JS developer. Sometimes it was too hard to learn all of this stuff, especially in the beginning, but your lessons and practical examples are treasure! You are the lifesaver!


Some addition from my experience in corporate environments:
1 - Communication, Communication, Communication
2 - Achiever’s mindset
3 - Flexible mindset
4 - Striving for high quality, avoid perfection trap
5 - Compete only against your past self, not others
6 - Remember that not everything in life is binary


1:10 - Having patience
1:49 - Being a problem solver
2:38 - Passion for what you do
3:40 - Love of learning
4:37 - Being a team player
5:23 - Not being arrogant
6:15 - Being proud of your work
7:36 - Good Time/Task management
8:43 - Having good focus
9:31 - Listen to others


I appreciate this video!!
The skills outlined in this presentation are all intangibles. For example, how would I measure my peers' love of learning or their pride in their last completed task? Here are the things that great developers must do (if you ask me):
1. Actively understand requirements: Reach out to those who wrote them (if you don't) and get clarity. If you don't it will show, and that's not great.
2. Test your own code: No one is perfect and eventually you're going to open a pull request that doesn't quite meet requirements (that's not great, see #1). But... test your own code. Consistently missed requirements or buggy PRs tells the rest of your team you're not that great.
3. Refine your own code: So you've just opened a pull request after having tested the latest feature you wrote. And it meets all requirements while not introducing any bugs. Congrats, you're halfway there! Consider this, tomorrow, next week, or next month someone will inevitably have to come in and write an enhancement to the code you just proudly submitted for review. That someone may even be you. Take a look at your own pull request with the eyes of your code reviewers. Is it easy to read and understand? Is it well factored? Can anything be improved? Do so without being asked. If your code reviewers are asking you what things mean in your code, that's not great.

4. Cover your code with tests/specs: (See #3) Don't wait for someone to point out that you've missed coverage. That is definitely not great. Code coverage is a great productivity tool. It enables us to write enhancements confidently knowing we haven't botched existing specs and prevents us from having to regression test everything around our little change.
5. Adhere to all agreed upon team processes. Don't take shortcuts with team processes. If you do, your team will know that you're not great.
6. If for some reason you were forced to write something inelegant or hacky, or due to time constraints you've introduced some tech debt, leave behind a comment. Accountability is great!
7. Of course there's this: Don't repeat yourself, don't hard code values, etc...
8. Once something has been pointed out, don't keep making the same mistake. Not great!


MY respects to this amazing teacher. Honestly, you are a better teacher than any I had in my entire life.


-Not being Arrogant: this profession humbles me when I have a hard time getting something to work. Glad that's an actual quality.


" Compete only against your past self, not others" Yes in all areas of life really, I wish more developers had your mindset Brad :)


I have to say, this gave me a lot of encouragement. Thanks man!


i graduated from systems engineering, and school thought me NOTHING.. all the skills i use in my everyday i learned with tutorials, docs pages, and github examples...


Every time I watch one of those videos about programming life I feel like I'm recharging my batteries and just feel great again! Thank you for sharing those kind words, sir =)


All apply to me a 100% except 9. Focusing is a major problem for me. Life is too hectic to focus constantly, especially when you're broke as hell with two kids. lol
Thanks, Brad. You're a good man.


Whew! That number 8, Good Time/Task management! for me the eye opener in my 1st attempt towards freelancing. Taking on projects without understanding, utilizing and implementing project management cost me a good penny. Not being able to project the amount of time can be a confidence killer for you and your client.


Thank you for the video. I need to improve #8 (Good Time/ Task management). I am glad you added it to the list, I will post it on the front of my desk as a reminder.


I really like the whole video. Definitely my favorite qualities are being patient, being a problem solver, and having lots of passion for programming.


Before I watch this video, I made my own list and % 60 got close to you. I'm actually new at coding but you clearly explain everything, Thank you !


I always hear this at work "It doesn't work as it should" and than I ask the question, "do you have any idea or suggestion about how should this work?" the response "I 've no idea, but this is not right". At the and I'm titled as arrogant because I try to find out how could I improve the application. Like these things really makes live hard at work.


Great list. Thank you! Special thanks to "Be proud of what you've done". I think lots of us need to remember it.
Wanna add these:
- question everything
- learn and improve your skills constantly


Thanks for that. Ive got at least 9 of them down to a fault. Been self-teaching myself for 6 months now and loved every moment
