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If anyone ever tries to write the history of the United States without mentioning General Motors, then you are facing an enemy of all progressive mankind. Leave this libel aside and don't even think about it. General Motors, with all its ups and downs, has been keeping up with American history for more than a century, embodying the American lifestyle. The origins of this corporation, as well as its development stages, were also very America-like.
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My great Grandfather was Chief Chassis Engineer for Buick and was a designer on the "flint Buick" the first car designed after they moved to Flint. I used to have his diaries about all the things they did to develop the first car. My grandfather also worked for Buick and I have many pictures of Grandpa and Great grandpa driving prototype cars, some with dates on the back from a year before the car was sold. A little Trivia: Great Grandpa came home one day and was talking about a problem with headlights where they were trying to figure out how to adjust the headlights up for faster driving and down for rougher roads. My grandfather suggested why not install two sets of headlights, one for close and one for far and put a switch pedal on the floor to switch between them. This was used in cars all the way up until the stalk mounted dimmer switch took over that job in the 1980s.


My grandfather got his start at Kissel in Hartford, Wisconsin. They were the manufacturers of the Kissel Kar, which was an extremely high-priced vehicle. He believed that the automobile industry would eventually be dominated by manufacturers that catered to the masses, like GM. He went on to Flint, Michigan, hoping to go to work for Buick, but the factory that he assumed was Buick's actually belonged to Little, a company that had been formed in October 2011 by W.C. Durant, William Little (who had previously run Buick's factory for Durant), and investors Charles Begole and William Ballenger. They hired my grandfather. Around the same time, Mr. Durant formed another company in Detroit with auto racing legends Louis and Arthur Chevrolet. While engines and drivetrain components were originally manufactured in Detroit (that plant eventually became GM's Detroit Gear & Axle Division), the cars were assembled in Flint, at Little's factory. By 1913, the Little brand was discontinued, and Chevrolet cars were built in Flint, and engine manufacturing was moved to Flint, using the old Mason Motors factory. I think by this time, the Chevrolet brothers had been bought out by Durant, and they had moved to Indianapolis to concentrate on auto racing. My grandfather, on the other hand, stayed at Chevrolet until he retired in 1955.


Really great content. This channel deserves more subscribers!


Our family owned 4 GM cars at once… dad-Buick, mom-Oldsmobile, sister-Pontiac, me-chevy


Good history of Billy Durant who is not as well remembered as he should be. Any history of GM should include the failure of Ford at what became Cadillac as well as the contribution of Walter Chrysler and the significant contribution of Charles W. Nash each of whom went on to build cars in their own names and one of which - Nash and its successor companies, never went bankrupt.
You apcked a lot in this video, but there is so much more to tell: Kettering, Leland, Alfred Sloan, etc.


Trek reminds me of General Motors of about a century ago: they buy brands and put them under their umbrella. The difference is Chevy, Buick, Cadillac, GMC, (and previously, Pontiac & Oldsmobile) was kept alive for decades, until keeping them became too expensive. Trek has a much shorter fuse for keeping its new acquisition alive and keeps the useful parts like Bontrager for parts. But with the consolidation, customer choices dwindle.


William Durant was quite a businessman. I’ve read about his shortcomings too. Reminds me of an Elon Musk.


My dad grandpas uncle that's my family😁


How is Buick the first when Oldsmobile came out BEFORE Oldsmobile WAS the oldest running car brand in General Motors fleet, before GM killed them off in 2009!! And they had been producing cars since the 1901!!!


In my opinion… If there is audio… Which I know there is… General Motors is likely been under surveillance for the past 15 years in recall, scenarios, or situations to wear in all likeliness it could just immediately pull the plug on the entire corporation… Obviously, this is an opinion only basis… But at the end of the day, I’m aware that some of those leaks stem specifically Puerto Rico… The irony of all of this is it is connections that they established originally to begin with to go around the United States and the United States policies… so if there was ever a need for any of the shenanigans to be done or get closure on the ginormous amount of scandals, I know where the majority of their audio likely is sitting about 50 yards from me… Currently…


General motors weore the true meaning of inteavite they have great ideas but to Day manufacturers make just junk


WRONG 😂 Dodge Bros. started it all before Ford & Buick. Get educated before making these videos please


In 100 years nobody will remember General Motors boomer buddy so stop over estimating your relevance.