Wizard101: New Players NEED To Know These NPCs. #extracredits

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Sun enchants are a staple in everyone's decks, and knowing where to get them is imperative as it's gonna make your time playing this game much more bearable. These NPCs are among the most important in the game, so when you're questing in Celestia, Zafaria, and Polaris, be sure you're checking in to make sure you have the most up-to-date sun enchant!

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Tags I stole from Speedy's descriptions to tweak the algorithm: This video was made on the Wizard101 Wallaru update. Like BlazeLifeHammer and his Wizard101 walkthrough series or Faeriequeens Wizard101 walkthrough / Wizard101 69 plot tutorial, this is Wizard101 in 2024 / Not heyitsmax and his Wizard101 Die = Delete series or Froggys and his Wizard101 Nuzlocke challenge, instead this is a new unique Wizard101 video. / Like Tap / Tappy / TapWater and his Wizard101 Mod Videos! Not a Wizard101 Hack / Wizard101 Hacks for auto questing or farming. / Like Ultimate Speedster and his Wizard101 / Pirate101 walkthrough and AwesomeTheSauce / ATS and his Wizard101 PVP guides / Wizard101 new update / Wizard101 new world update.
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celestia really being the turning point of ur wiz journey to power with the enchants. best spells in the game. celestia is always a world to look forward to


Excellent video, I've seen a concerning number of wizards in higher levels (70+) hitting without enchants WITH subpar stats (aka no waterworks or even chieftain crafted gear) and I can only imagine how slow the game feels


I don't know why I was thinking like level 10 or something as a "new player"😂 but I guess you have access to the most important npcs already


I feel like ki could revamp when you get each enchant, instead of it being like all in celestia, one in zafaria and then epic at arcanum.
The pacing of the game would feel more logical if each enchant was given at the end of each arc 2 world. Might actually be a complicated revamp, but it would make more sense than what it is now, seems at one point they thought celestia was gonna be the last world or something with how its setup.


I still cant believe people quest by themselves without dual boxing its a grindy game


GOTA cancelled bro I made a Christmas GOTA Parody for nothing smh
