Extreme Backyard Barbecue!! 🇺🇸 You’ll ONLY Get This in South Carolina!

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Additionally, in South Carolina is the only place you'll find hash, a mixture of all the pig bits including the face made into a stew. There's ketchup based hash and mustard based hash, and we had a full lesson on South Carolina hash.

Huge thank you to John and his family for hosting my family and I on this amazing Sunday meal.

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When you’re literally invited to the cookout. Lol. I loved this. Thank you for honoring the culture Mark. This was a beautiful video. 💕


as a ex New yorker living in SC .. i can promise you there is nothing better than a Carolina backyard BBQ in folding chairs and pop up tents....summer time heaven


Now that is what a family bbq is all about. That food looks delicious. Mark I love how you just blend into ANY culture and respect and learn that culture in the process. Awesome video Mark.


This is just a beautiful video, these men are masters at their craft and happy that Mark memorialized this forever on youtube. The amount of respect to tradition shown here is fantastic.


Mr. John is a good friend of our family. He is the sweetest man in the world and he has some of the best BBQ and Mac n cheese I’ve ever had!! I’m so jealous that I wasn’t there that day 😢


Mark, I want to say thank you for putting spotlight on South Carolina for some of its great food and southern cuisines. Because we are small state we’re often times skipped and we have some of the best barbecues and foods out there so I want to say thank you very much.


You're getting some of the best BBQ in the USA! 🇺🇸


Mark can eat more food in a thankful manner than any small guy I've seen. And, this is one of the best episodes I've watched.


GOOD LORD .. that man and his family can COOK ... the part I REALLY LOVED ... Them PRAYING and THANKING OUR GOD FOR ALL


Not only is Johns food absolutely DREAMY! but he seems like such a pure soul, what an amazing person. Another great food tour and adventure with you Mark, love it.


Born & raised in SC. This is how we do it! Flavor city always. No bland food ever. Optimal soul food at its finest.


Love that John is a fan of yours too, brings up his favourite episode and everything. Love that John showed love to other cuisines too. This is beautiful.


This is insanely impressive. Every piece of meat looked so juicy and beautifully charred, and you can tell every side dish got a lot of love. That smoked mac and cheese!! Gotta salute this amount of skill 👏


Mark took his niche to a new level. You can be from anywhere and the man is genuinely lovable❤ we love you mark


I like that you included the prayer in your video. Food looks fantastic!


Southern food, too me is the best in the world. South Carolina is one of the top places to find that really good southern food. Everything looked wonderful. Can you choose a favorite dish out of all the dishes cooked at the cookout Mark? When I was a little girl, around 5 or 6, , mid 1950s, my family would go the fish camp on the river where the family cabins sat just up off the water. My Uncles would sit up all night cooking hash and some good drinking as they stated, for the next day's meal. Memories are the most blessed part of a life as one can look back and recall times long gone. This food looked so good Mark, the three top choices I'd pick for my plate would be, hash, collards, ribs, I missed the light bread to go with my hash but the cake was to die for to cover dessert.


Shout out to the Master Chef! He did his thang! I need an invite next go round. Everything looked absolutely mouthwatering delicious. I am so happy for the ones who got to partake in the festivities.


That was amazing, the guy cooking and hosting doesn’t mess around. He takes it to another level on a cookout.


Mark...a PERFECT 4th of July to celebrate, probably, the BEST BBQ segment you have ever featured. John and his family and friends are a wonderful example of backyard perfection....when you can cook like he and his wife do. What an AMAZING BBQ Grill he created....and imagine three hours of BBQ to cook the greatest food...including his Mac and Cheese and Hash! I have never seen hash before---never knew about it! Thank You! I believe John is blessed by God with his cooking perfection....and his nice prayer before everyone eats was simple and beautiful. I will be sharing this video with my friends and family...and be watching it today again. I am preparing a meal for the 4th ...and I daresay it won't be able to compare with John's....but watching this while i cook will be loads of Fun! Thanks, Mark! Happy 4th!


This video makes me proud I was born in and Raised in South Carolina but I live in philly most of my life but never forgot my southern roots !! This video brings back childhood memories of gatherings in Elliott S.C seeing Hogs being roasted during baseball games😢 Miss You South Carolina 😢
