Is Goku a Good Father? #dbz #shorts #recommended

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He sacrificed him self for the world and more for his son


He’s not the worst parent, and he even said himself that he didn’t really want to be revived because of how many threats came to earth because of him


In all honesty, while he may not be the best father, I think that Goku is a good father to both Gohan and Goten. Goku has literally died twice for Gohan, and has shown great care for Goten.


He’s a so so father, he made questionable choices but it really was in good faith for his family and friends


He’s a good father since he is willing to risk anything for his family even if it means being dead so his family wouldn’t be in danger


His children looking up to him is an answer enough


Short answer : Yes.

He made some bad decisions in the Cell arc (and was called out for it), but these don't make him a BAD father, only human (or in this case, Saiyan)


Goku is a good father at least but a bad husband😂


People look at what Goku does and say he's a bad father. Many of us looked at Vegeta from super saying he's better and... the "Piccolo is Gohan's true father" was taken to another level. I am so confused


for a man that had pretty much no parental role models growing up. he does quite well.
he makes mistakes, and well any parent has made those. but that moment with Cell people like to wank about. after he realized he done goofed there, he almost immediately tried to go back in and fix it.

the thing with Goten, keep in mind there is a rule that unless very special circumstances the dead are in not allowed to interact with the living. also King Kai was probably still Salty about Goku killing him with Cell's explosion. so even if King Kai knew Goten was born, would he tell him?

and well after he's back to life for good he is a decent parent again. his kids still love and respect him.

so while he's not a perfect Father. he is a good one.
heck he's proud of Gohan for following his dreams of being a scholar, even if he himself doesn't 100% understand. and tells that to Gohan quite often.

Edit: fixed spacing for easy reading.


You cannot label him as a bad father. Based on their family rules or customs, it was acceptable. In others people eyes it is bad but every household is different.


Hmm maybe because before gotten was born he said it will be the last time he can't interact with them anymore and told them to write down there life so he could hear about it when they die


Literally what I kept saying for the senzu bean thing. He's more ignorant for it than a bad father


I wouldn't say he's a bad father, but rather, he has good intentions and executes them in a terrible way. Can't really blame him that much. He never had a proper father figure in his life and doesn't know how to be one. He's definitely trying and it's not his fault he missed out so much on his kids' childhoods. He sacrificed his life to protect his family and stayed away from them because he thought he'd end up putting them in danger.

The thing with Cell and the senzu bean was by far the worst thing he did and he deserves to be judged for it. This was pure stupidity on his part because he burdened a kid with saving the world from a ridiculously powerful enemy. Yes, Gohan was strong, but he was still a child. And Goku failed to understand that Gohan might enjoy fighting sometimes, but he isn't a born fighter.

Well, in his defense: Goku is a full-blood Saiyan and they're genetically designed to seek out the greatest challenge, even if it means allowing their enemy to power up to fight them at their best. So it's understandable that Goku thought he'd do Gohan a favor with this. But just because it's understandable doesn't mean it's justifiable

Edit: when I said that giving Cell the senzu bean was the worst thing he did, I didn't include anything from DragonBall Super. It wouldn't be fair to compare DBZ Goku to the lobotomized idiot he became afterwards


I don't think goku is a bad father.❤


Gohan wouldn't beat cell if Goku didn't give the senzu to cell. Gohan simply wouldn't unleash his full power with killer intent


bruh goku is a goat father because he was looking out for gohan bc gohan needs to be at his best to beat enemys at there best foreshadowing super super heros


everyone just joke about how bad is Goku as a father is but a father duty is prepare their kid for the world either from a easy way or the hard way while mother is to protect them from it, Goku proud and believe his son so i say Goku pretty done everything as dutty of a father


He save the would if he doesn't then people will die so he have to


we should question on dragon ball fans are they good i say no for that because there are only powerscalers
