Sink and Float - Science Activity for Children | 3-6 Year olds | Primary Level | Kindergarten | GMN

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The Global Montessori Network

Floating and sinking is an interesting science concept for children to explore. This science lesson is aimed mainly at children between 4 and 5 years old.

Sinking and floating activity help in building a child's ability to observe and discriminate It enables the child to develop the capacity for observation and discrimination. It arouses the children’s curiosity and improves their vocabulary. This activity also develops the OCCI in children: order, concentration, coordination, and independence.

By conducting the activity with the elements in water, the child has the opportunity to better understand the relationship between the materials and the water. Invite them to play, experiment, and explore how and why different objects float and sink when placed into water.

Let the child explore which objects will sink in water and which objects will float on their own.

Repeat this activity by inviting the child to pour some cereal in their milk as shown in the video. Such activities instill a sense of independence and help in boosting their confidence.

Video created by: Alejandra Jurado
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