The Jedi’s Most BRUTAL War Crimes #starwarslore

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Could the Jedi be considered war criminals if judged by real-world laws and standards?
#starwars #jedi #sith #starwarslife #starwarsnerd
The Jedi often crossed the line, engaging in acts that would undeniably be considered torture. From combining their abilities to perform a powerful Jedi Mind Trick to the physical beating of Separatist prisoners, the Jedi reveal a shadowy side that complicates their legacy. Jedi generals often commanded their clone troopers to pursue fleeing Separatist forces, primarily composed of battle droids. This practice stands in stark contrast to the teachings of Yoda when he instructed Luke Skywalker that Jedi should only use their skills for defense, never for attack. The Jedi also authorized the breaking of a century-long treaty with Mandalore that prohibited the Republic from invading its sovereign territory. By sending Ahsoka Tano and Captain Rex to lead clone troopers against Maul, the rightful ruler of Mandalore, even Obi-Wan Kenobi acknowledged this bold move violated the treaty. In your opinion, who's the bigger war criminal: the Jedi Order or Chopper?
#starwars #jedi #sith #starwarslife #starwarsnerd
The Jedi often crossed the line, engaging in acts that would undeniably be considered torture. From combining their abilities to perform a powerful Jedi Mind Trick to the physical beating of Separatist prisoners, the Jedi reveal a shadowy side that complicates their legacy. Jedi generals often commanded their clone troopers to pursue fleeing Separatist forces, primarily composed of battle droids. This practice stands in stark contrast to the teachings of Yoda when he instructed Luke Skywalker that Jedi should only use their skills for defense, never for attack. The Jedi also authorized the breaking of a century-long treaty with Mandalore that prohibited the Republic from invading its sovereign territory. By sending Ahsoka Tano and Captain Rex to lead clone troopers against Maul, the rightful ruler of Mandalore, even Obi-Wan Kenobi acknowledged this bold move violated the treaty. In your opinion, who's the bigger war criminal: the Jedi Order or Chopper?