Re-enchanting the World: How to Learn From Animals

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Dr Rupert Sheldrake, PhD, is a biologist and author best known for his hypothesis of morphic resonance. At Cambridge University he worked in developmental biology as a Fellow of Clare College. He was Principal Plant Physiologist at the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics and From 2005 to 2010 was Director of the Perrott-Warrick project, Cambridge.
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My Scottish wild cat who normally was very aloof and barely deigned to come home would meet me in the park across the street every day and take me for a walk when I was recovering from knee surgery. He would come up on my lap and snuggle on a park bench. He stopped once I was well. it was unbelievable what a role he played in my recovery. I'll never forget him.


Dr. Rupert Sheldrake is a treasure to the world of science, to all of humanity. His ideas and observations are an inspiration to society now for decades. Sheldrake is a new Renaissance man, a well needed guide to a future where, further fragmentation, specialization and absurd redefinitions await us. I welcome his views as integrated wholes, as a perspective in life which can bring common sense to the world.


Thank you Dr. Sheldrake. I want to contribute to this knowledge by telling a true story that happened to me with animals. I was in a natural park in Italy, it was a marvel sunny day. I went on an isolated hill and sat alone. Then I started to chant the Lotus Sutra' booklet in ancient Chinese language (a mantra). When I was chanting I heard a sound of bells coming up from the asphalt street behind a row of trees. Always nearer, always nearer. I kept going on with the reading and chanting and from the end of the row of threes a cow appeared that kept coming toward me that I was chanting. She stopped at 1 meter of distance looking at me chanting and then she lay down on a side looking at me with an eye and with an ear up...listening. As soon as I stopped reading and chanting she got up and disappeared as she came. I swear that is a true story.


A great mind put to its best use.

Brilliant stuff.


What can we learn from Animals? ... Humility, unconditional love, healing powers, ... 😭💛


With deep gratitude and a humble bow of gratitude for your life’s work. 🙏🏼❤️🙏🏼


The only thing I feel like Rupert has missed here with regards to movement is the way in which animals will process traumatic events. They will deal with the trauma in the moment through the somatic nervous system, whereas we humans will very often override that process due to our social programming, and hold onto stored trauma, often for a lifetime. This can manifest in various health issues.


I have learned a lot from my five dogs, all of which are - I believe - zen masters.


When I listen to Rupert, tears spontaneously emerge. I have a history with his work, as he was introduced to me at mt undergraduate university in the late 80s, heralded by my organic chemistry professor. Nonetheless to say, I am now a full-time Actor after having traversed 25 years as a Psychotherapist and trauma specialist. I listen to him regularly to keep me attuned and present! Je t’adore Rupert!


One day, many many years ago, I was absentmindedly walking through the aisles of a grocery store. As I exited out of one isle and started to turn into the next, I felt a sense of dread so strong it made me stop in my tracks. I turned my head the opposite way I was headed and stared directly at a lobster languishing in a tank at the seafood counter. Leaving her/him there was agonizing. I am still astonished that a crustacean was able to make me feel this way.


I had a dog years ago that was totally psychic. She was just a rescue mixed breed, but an incredible animal. She always knew when I was planning a walking trip, no matter what I did to hide it (and I tried everything). It wasn't routine. She was amazing. I always took her on the trips and she always knew we were going. She's follow me around and sit by the door, days in advance.


I am a 73 yo guy, left school at 16, not well educated. But I appreciate this wonderful video so much. Many thanks Rupert


Thank you so much Sir! I am sure that animals swing higher than most human minds.... my dog used to look at me full of unconditional love, I have no children and my dog is the only deepest true love of my live ...Greetings from Berlin :)


Rupert, old survivor, you've really made a difference with your life. May it continue as long as you wish it.

The world, its people and other creatures are better off - with more kindness and understanding, thanks to your inquiring nature and great intellectual energy.


People who have experience with psychedelics usually have the most creative things to say as they have entered the divine dimension and returned with a wealth of knowledge to dispense; Rupert is a portal to immense wisdom.


Few weeks ago my neighbor died, and his dog was literally wailing almost all the time for a week before that. It's kinda funny how people reacted tho, nobody even questioned the reason his dogs is so loud, they were like "oh, dude's gonna die soon so his dog cry", like it's sort of common knowledge among older people. I live in a very rural part of southern Poland, there's a very funky mix of catholicism, orthodox christianity and pagan traditions here, I wonder which one of those is responsible for this.


A thousand blessings Rupert Sheldrake, live on.


26:30 I feel compelled to mention; I live next door to my mother, and I'm usually over there at least once a day or so. She has a female terrier breed dog that is very fond of me and runs to me every time I come over. I've been close to her since she was a puppy. I also do the grooming/hair trimming for her. I don't do it on a schedule, I usually pick a time at random, just sometime after her hair is getting too long, and she really doesn't like it. But remarkably, when I have it in my mind that it's haircutting time, she hides from me.. I've tested this over and over.

Initially I thought I had to be giving her a tell, but I've made sure to give no sign, I've tried to fool her, I've been as random as possible, but somehow she always seems to know.


As a magician, a rabbit is so cooperative and patient, it's more magical than the show itself


We have much to learn from children and animals, dogs in particular...both are capable of unconditional love. As children we had rabbits, dogs, a tortoise and a brace of ferrets... two men in our small village had pigeon lofts. I would wander through a bluebell wood at the age of 5... alone and completely safe.
I became a vegetarian of my own accord at the age of 6.
