WESTWORLD Season 4 Episode 3 Breakdown, Theories & Details You Missed!

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In this video we breakdown, explain, review, and recap Season 4 Episode 3 "Annees Folles" of HBO's Westworld for new theories, easter eggs, and details you missed.


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Who's going on the big suffragette narrative? Hit me with those theories below and what you think of the season so far.


The people that shot themselves to the frequency weren’t Hosts, they were human, one of them was the DOD guy who got infected by the flies in the car last episode. The only one that was a host was the fake Frankie. This was them experimenting on actual humans.


I think it's all become much clearer now, which makes me worried I'm massively off base:
The new Delos park is just like the old one, in reverse - Halores is using it to gain info on how to control humans and experiment on them to perfect the flies. This will be used to create a human park, where humans are the attraction. One such park is FutureWorld, where Christina is at some point in the future. She is unknowingly writing loops for humans caught and brought to the park, to make humans feel the misery and despair felt by the hosts - this is why Christina's boss instructs her to write the most tragic stories possible, to make humans miserable. There have probably been several "Peters" like the one who committed suicide in front of her, with this one being but the latest iteration. Christina's timeline corresponds with that of Bernard's which is also farther into the future than where we see Caleb and Maeve. Bernard has teamed up with Frankie, Caleb's daughter, and the resistance to make those within the park aware of what's happening so that they can fight Halores back. Teddy is part of this. I'm still not sure why Christina looks like Dolores and whether she is in fact human, like the show runners and Evan Rachel Wood are insisting. It seems increasingly likely that she is, and this will be another reversal of the same Westworld loop - this time, to bring about freedom, humans must be made aware that they are in fact prisoners, and Christina is the new Dolores. Who she is, why that is, and how - I'm not sure. But these are my thoughts!


Couple of things:
- The "Butterfly" bar name in the 20s park is not a cheeky play on word with "fly", it's actually just the direct translation of "Mariposa" the homologous bar in sweetwater.
- 20s Dolores taking over the control room is not a recreation of the taking over the mesa, but the original westworld massacre, even maeve Said "Her name is Wyatt in that character"


The Bernard/Stubbs timeline takes place WAY after The Caleb/Maeve storyline. The girl that picks Stubbs/Bernard up is Caleb's daughter. When we see Caleb in New York, it's from inside the server farm located in the hoover Dam, which is where Bernard is taking them to. (Imho) He'll reunite with dolores there and I'm guessing mabye Teddy will be there to thwart her "awakening" that Caleb brings with him.


Charlotte Goal is to control Human action and free will, the way is by getting the Humans to go to the new parks gather there data and be able to replace them with host but still be able to manipulate action as she fits. Human William is being kept alive so she can continue creating host of him. My guess is there is more than one William host. I also think there is multiple timelines happening.


Maeve and caleb are in the PAST.
Bernard and Stubbs and Frankie ( older) are in the Present
Dolores/Christiana and Teddy are in the Future


With Bernard seeing the burning tree, I have a hunch that he won’t ACTUALLY die. It feels like this could be a callback to the burning bush in Exodus/Old Testament. The burning bush was used to communicate to Moses that he had been chosen to save his people. God purposely chose an “unlikely shepherd” to lead the Hebrews to freedom. If you take Christian interpretations into account as well, the burning bush may represent the destruction of sin/evil.

Perhaps this season the physical version of Bernard will die but his consciousness will survive within the Sublime. I think this episode has shown that Bernard has the potential to become an unlikely leader for whatever resistance is taking place whenever he is within the show’s timeline.


Billie Eilish's "Bad Guy" was playing on the piano when Maeve and Caleb entered the club.


So I think you missed on the theories of this episode.

From my understanding...
Basically, Hale won. Bernard and Stubb's are in the far future after the fall of humanity.

Maeve and Caleb are in a time before Hale's takeover while it was still in the planning phase, mass producing the flies and getting the 20s World ready to trap guests. Caleb getting taken over essentially tells me that story will not end well for them

Delores/Christine is in a loop depicting the peak of Hale's ideal world, but this time, humans are the "hosts".


The weapon is the Man in Black of the post credits of season 2!
This one has finally reached fidelity with the ´help’ of Emilybot.
‘I’m gonna save the f… world! ‘


I don’t think meave’s “powers” work anymore and halores is playing the long con and letting meave think she still controls them but can’t and meave will get into trouble latter on


I don't known if it was the return of Bernard (Jeffrey Wright) but I felt this episode really kicked off the season. There were 2 things that really peaked my interest:
1. The way I saw the "time" in the sublime that Bernard used to see all the outcomes was actually a version of the "infinite monkey theory"- if you have infinite time and infinite monkeys at typewriters, its WHEN not IF the works of Shakespeare will be recreated. I feel that a.i's have such fast processing power that they can "process" options/futures in an far shorter time than we ever could. Rough around the edges idea but made me wonder about future super-computers and ai.
2. When Mauve stopped Caleb from picking up the can, it made me realise that this is a trick for the suckers and low hanging fruit. It's right off the train and you'd have to be a sucker or freshie to fall for it and go with that first loop. William fell for it hook, line and sinker. I know he completely explored the rest of the park, but everything was about that first interaction. What does that say about him?


This feels like a call back to season 1, infamous for it's different timelines.
Christina, Caleb and Bernard are each on very different eras on the time line.
Maeve could be the powerful weapon the human rebel resistance is looking for.


I thought the new female character who picked up Bernard is a grown up Frankie? And she's looking for her dad in the future...🤔


Having no idea and all the possibilities is what makes this show the best thing on television right now. What violent delights will they bring us next Sunday?


So my theory based on observations made so far:

I believe Christina’s arc takes place in the 5 years between S3 & will continue into ~ merge with S4, and possibly end in Bernard’s present. I believe it is a “defragmentation” algorithm/simulation setup to restore her to Dolores but also an evolved Dolores as I don’t think she was “deleted” by Rehoboam - merely fragmented as real deletion does in actual computers today. She is also the WEAPON they speak of in 3rd timeline.

Caleb/Maeve - same time as MIB & Halores takeover & enslavement of Humans.

Bernard & Stubbs - 15+ years after S3 finale (when Bernie enters Sublime).

I think it will all culminate with Hale’s plans coming true but catastrophically for the world; New Dolores awakening and meeting/looking for Bernard (I think SHE is the weapon they speak of). Unnamed Woman is Caleb’s daughter & he never returned for her due to death/subjugation.

The post credit scene from S2 exists in 3rd timeline/shortly after culmination of its arc.

Maeve’s skills are based on WW’s
Prior emotion/perception programming model. The new tech that MIB/Hale are using is upgraded so it isn’t as easy or doesn’t work with it, as it is a mix of human control & AI.


Mariposa is actually a butterfly so the fact that they’d call the 1920s club Butterfly Club makes sense


I literally just finished the episode then came straight here. Lol. Thanks for the breakdown.


Ridiculous how quickly you put this together 👍
