Terrier Breeds – Top 10 Popular Terrier Dogs

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Feisty and energetic are two of the primary traits that come to mind for those who have experience with Terriers. In fact, many describe their distinct personalities as “eager for a spirited argument.”

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In this video, we have listed down the top 10 Terrier Breeds.

1. Miniature Schnauzer
2. West Highland White Terrier
3. Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier
4. Bull Terrier
5. Airedale Terrier
6. Scottish Terrier
7. Cairn Terrier
8. Staffordshire Bull Terrier
9. Rat Terrier
10. Tibetan Terrier

Bred to hunt, kill vermin and to guard their families home or barn; sizes range from fairly small, as in the Norfolk, Cairn or West Highland White Terrier, to the larger and grand Airedale Terrier. Prospective owners should know that terriers make great pets, but they do require determination on the part of the owner because they can be stubborn; have high energy levels, and require special grooming (known as “stripping”) to maintain a characteristic appearance.

Terriers are a specific group and type of dog that were originally bred to dig and hunt for prey like foxes, moles, badgers, and rats. Their name originates in the Latin word ‘terra’ and means ‘earth’ – although some people joke that the word terrier actually comes from the word terror!

There are many sizes and shapes of breeds in the terrier group but there’s one thing which is that feisty, mischievous personality and an energetic nature. Terriers are highly intelligent and trainable, for people with patience and a great sense of humor.

Terriers are known for their sassy personalities and their penchant for picking fights with much larger dogs. Most of the breeds in this group are small, such as the Norfolk and Cairn, but there are also large terriers in the mix, such as the regal Airedale. The name "terrier" comes from the Latin word “terra,” meaning earth. Terriers were originally bred to hunt and kill vermin, and their bodies were designed to get into tight places to track down their intended prey. Hunting vermin often involved digging in the dirt, and as many owners know, today’s Terriers still enjoy a good dig in the yard.

These breeds are also territorial of the earth that they consider to be “theirs,” that is, their yard and their home. A terrier will bark up a storm at any person or animal who approaches their turf. The terrier's instinctive desire to chase small animals makes them ideal for single-pet homes only. They will terrorize cats or other pets incessantly, and it’s nearly impossible to train the chase out of a terrier.

These breeds typically do not enjoy the company of other dogs, unless they are raised together from a young age. It is not recommended that families with small children adopt terriers, either. They lack the patience for children, and they much prefer to be the center of attention at all times.

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Рекомендации по теме

I’m a first time pet owner .. yorkie/cairn mix. Omg I had no idea the amount of barking, sassing, hyperactive, playing, maniac-ing I would be up against. And She’s soooo clingy bold protective and fiesty! I can’t get a moment to myself But I love her so much and wouldn’t trade her for the world she’s everything.


I own a Scottish Terrier and a Yorkshire Terrier. They are feisty, smart and loyal. I love them dearly!


I’ve had an Australian terrier, a Cairn terrier and now have a rehomed Irish terrier. Loved them all but my Cairn was very special


Cairn Terrier.. I’ve had 4 and they’re the most stubborn, cheeky, feisty ( but great with Kids )loyal and loving dog in the world. ..♥️♥️♥️


I have 2 Wheaten Terriers, they’re the best! I have a special needs son who has seizures. Both my Wheaten‘s alert us when our son is having a seizure at night, fillet really close to him and lick him to make him feel better and come out of his grandmal seizure. These dogs love everyone so they are not guard dogs, they are the best and don’t shed.


I really like the Cairn Terriers. Awesome, spunky little dogs!


Love Cairn Terriors!!!! My girl lived 16 1/2 years!


Airedales are for me. I have my first and he is awesome in every way. He settled right into being my service dog when my needs changed.


I have a West Highland White Terrier, Lola. Love her to bits!!!


I never ever owned a pet ... until I got my first... a wonderful and amazing Miniature Schnauzer. She is so intelligent and obedient... I couldn’t have asked or been blessed with a better dog.


I love Airedale’s terriers so much, but my other favourite is the Welsh and the Wire Haired Fox. All complete nutters but just the most fun breeds of doggo


I have 4 Cairns in which 2 are therapy dogs and one at age 8 went through service dog training for my ptsd. Even before the training she was waking me up from my nightmares. They are very smart and loving. All of the cairns will react to me when I have an episode


I have a Scottie, Westie and a Biewer Yorkie. Needless to say they keep me busy but so worth it!


I have a 4 month old Airedale, he’s already 40 lbs.Probably the smartest dog I’ve ever owned, crate trained since I got him at 8 weeks and he’s only had (knock on wood) 4-5 “accidents”in the house.Barks when he need to go out and also when he just feels like some fresh air.Loves to learn and has to be part of ALL Activities.My GF has never been a dog person but let’s Archie lick her face and even lets him take food from her mouth.
I can’t imagine how big he’ll be fully grown, but his temperament is 80% Laid back and 20% Psychotic Digger, Sprinter, eater.Def need to be firm and set boundaries, but the Airedale is so smart they pick up what you expect of them.
I wouldn’t say they are Easy to train but they are highly trainable to the point of Amazing with patience and Love.Just an incredible Dog.


I just wanted to comment on the West Highland Terrier section because frankly after owning three different West Highland Terrier's in my life, Just like any other dog, they can be just as playful around children as other dogs can and just as friendly; the way to obtain a safe relationship between your children and your Westie is training early and supervision of younger children with the dog


Terriers are awesome, but my most favorite is the Cairn Terrier. Scottish Terrier are my second favorite.


I just got a Westie and he is a joy! I


My favorite is the West highland terrier. Smart, low shed, a little on the stubborn side. Not smelly. Very loving and happy. Follows you around, good with kids and dogs. Very cute. Not really a lap dog. For kids good for lap dog and miniature schnausers.


I have had Airedale’s for 20 years. I currently have one who is 12 and 6 mo puppy. They are the best.


No mention of the Jack Russell terrier. I have had 2 the last being a Parson Jack Russell. Beautiful dogs and great companion.
What have they done to upset you.The best terrier by far.
